
Thursday, February 11, 2021

And he's still looking over his shoulder...

MYSTERY WIRE — Former FBI agent Joe Pistone had one of the most harrowing assignments ever handed to an agent — infiltrate New York’s feared Bonanno crime family. 

Pistone spent six years posing as a mobster named Donnie Brasco inside the Bonanno crime family. 

After growing up in Pennsylvania and New Jersey, Pistone joined the FBI in 1969 and in 1974 was transferred to the office in New York City, home of the five main Mafia families — Bonanno, Gambino, Colombo, Genovese and Lucchese. 


  1. After the Bonanno family was broken up, the phone company sent me to fix a phone line to a guys house near the Texas/Louisiana border. The customer told me he was a Bonanno from NYC. I was happy to get out of there

  2. Is this guy supposed to be a hero? An armed populace would have put down the Bonanno crime family in a week, no feds required.

    Classic Marxist dialectic: ban guns to allow organized crime to run rampant, then moar .gov to solve that engineered problem.

    I suppose the feds needed a "see, we're the GOOD guys" article in advance of a Xiden crackdown on Trump supporters.

    1. "An armed populace would have put down the Bonanno crime family in a week, no feds required."

      The populace was armed throughout the entirety of the Bonanno family's existence. Not only did no one even try to put them down, many actively patronized them. Weapons are nothing without the will to use them, and groups like the Mafia exist because people - as a whole - love their vices.

    2. As far as I know, New York (where the crime family is based) has had rigid gun control for decades and decades, so no, the populace wasn't armed.

    3. Yes, the populace *was* armed, until about 1960. FCI is correct. La Cosa Nostra operated with the approval and either assistance or acquiescense of the public. In large part they still do.It doesn't matter whether the public are armed or not.

      Given all this, Tom Baugh shows by his assertion that he is ignorant of history and of human nature and therefore is as full of shit as a Xmas goose.

    4. So it has been decades and decades since the populace was armed.....

  3. The mob Is the federal government.


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