
Thursday, February 11, 2021


Missouri House passes ban on enforcement of federal gun laws, measure heads to Senate

JEFFERSON CITY, Mo. (AP) - The Missouri House on Thursday passed a bill to ban local police from enforcing federal gun laws, an effort to stymie implementation of any new federal gun restrictions enacted under Democratic President Joe Biden. 

The Republican-led House voted 103-43 in favor of the bill Thursday.


Missouri county authorizes arrest of feds who violate Second Amendment

What is our recourse when our own government criminalizes our most basic rights while it allows Black Lives Matter and Antifa to rampage through our streets with impunity? Is there no Plan B when the federal or state governments treat all conservatives like terrorists, business owners like pariahs, and those who yearn to breathe unmasked air like murderers? Well, one Missouri county is demonstrating the importance of sheriffs and county officials returning to self-government and interposing between the governmental usurpers and the most sacred rights of the people.


  1. Unless this legislation MANDATES that local LEO arrest and charge Fed LEO who attempt to enforce these unconstitutional laws then it's nothing but more political preening and posturing.

  2. Grew up in a neighboring state and as a kid always thought Missourians were pretty much rednecks without many brains. These days I would not want to move back to any of the states bordering Mo and might even consider living there if the situation were right. Plenty of good, open space still available, though it still gets hotter than hell with stinking high humidity in the summers.

  3. I live in Newton county. You are right, it gets hot as hell and the humidity runs high. Do NOT move here!


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