
Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Asking for a friend...



  1. A good question. Because of an artificial heart valve installed, I have to take blood thinning medications. I used to donate blood very often, but those blood thinners might cause issues to others so I cannot donate blood any more.

    Does this vaccine have any issues that could cause damage to people's health Who is responsible and takes the blame for causing this Probably going to be in the hospital boilerplate Denial of Responsibilities paperwork you sign when you have work done.

    1. I have had a life long blood clotting problem due to a genetic mutation that I learned about in 2010; the mutation was discovered in 1994 and a test was developed in 1996, so it is all relatively new. I gave blood regularly for about 20 years starting in 1973 until I got pissed at the blood bank, so stopped. Unknown is whether or how any the recipients of my blood reacted to the mutation.

  2. Really doesn't matter and I'd say no to the question. When receiving blood do you ask if the people had DPT, measles, rubella vaccines? What about vaccines for third world countries considering that some people may have needed to get them to travel. If you need blood, you take what you get or F off and die. This vaccine is NOT a government conspiracy, there's no tracking chip inside, it wasn't rushed to market and the research is solid. People have just gotten so use to the federal bureaucracy making private business take for frigging ever to approve something that when the science is allowed to happen at it's own pace, everyone thinks there's some sort of hidden agenda or risk. BTW, I will not be getting the vaccine as I'm in mid 50's and have never gotten nor needed the flu vaccine. Rant over.

    1. The difference between "vaccines" that have a proven track record and the Kung Flu vaccine is the method of provoking the immune response. Using messenger RNA has never been tried before simply because it alters the DNA you were born with that was passed down to you from generations of your forbears. Who knows what the hell is going to happen from that 5, 10, or 20 years from now as a result of taking this vaccine.

      "it wasn't rushed to market and the research is solid" You must be joking. Normal development and testing time for something this complex is 5-7 years and a lot of time the research fails. I'm not saying that corners were cut. I think that President Trump presided over one of the most remarkable developments in modern medicine. However, the testing that was done over the last three months of development IN NO WAY can substitute for longer experiments conducted with a broader range of ages and genotypes.

      Just look at the dismal failures of the AIDS vaccine over the last forty years as an example, and need I remind you that that the AIDS vaccine program was overseen by that charlatan Fraudci.

      If you feel that this untried and unproven method of inoculation won't cause you any harm, by all means go get the shot. Me, I'm waiting for more evidence which may never come and I'm about to embark on my 74th trip around the sun here in a couple of days and have several health factors that will probably kill me if I should be so unfortunate as to contract Kung Flu.


    2. Nemo's right. This isn't your "usual" vaccine because it changes your DNA and despite that it was rushed to market without the usual protocols and testing. Stay away...stay FAR away!

    3. Well stated points, Nemo.

      So, do you stay home, use mask, or what?


    4. A couple other points. If this virus won't cause harmful side effects years from now, why did the manufacturers INSIST ON being held harmless, BY LEGISLATIVE ACTION from CONgress, before beginning to develop and manufacture this "vaccine". If this "vaccine" is so benign, why has AT LEAST ONE PERSON A DAY died after being inoculated, sometimes within 24 hours, when they were PERFECTLY HEALTHY before they were vaccinnated?


    5. @QHM - I'm retired, so yeah, I'm home A LOT. I wear a mask when I go into any business because the mayor of the city I live in and more recently the governor of my state, that fookin' RINO asshole, mandated masks be worn in every business serving the public. I haven't seen anyone except for myself, when I forgot a couple times, without a mask at a grocery store or the barber shop. When the weather was warmer and I was walking, after the the governor mandated masks be worn, AT ALL TIMES WHEN OUT OF YOUR HOME, I actually saw people out walking with masks on. Coincidentally, I live near a large medical clinic that I walk past on my walk route. The nurses there walk during their lunch breaks. I didn't see ONE NURSE, EVER, walking outside with a mask on. That should tell you something.


  3. Yes they will be able too and no you won't be told your getting tainted blood.


  4. Rayvet, it most definitely CAN matter. the Pfizer and Moderna "vaccines" are not conventional. Normal vaccines use a dead or weakened virus so that the body can learn to recognize the protein coat and develop antibodies.

    The mRNA "vaccines" are very, very different. They are messenger RNA which hijack ribosomes to produce foreign proteins. Those foreign proteins are what are causing the anaphylactic shock in many people. If someone donates blood while the mRNA is still circulating, it could potentially cause a severe allergic reaction in a recipient.

    Here's a more detailed explanation:

    1. I found out last night that my second brother was hospitalised after receiving the Covid vaccination. He was in a coma for three days and when he came out of it was unaware of his surroundings and didn't even know who he was.

    2. Really, you don't want to lecture me on vaccines. Your entire statement about the mRNA vaccine is a fabrication and not truthful. It doesn't matter whether a vaccine is composed of subunit DNA/RNA strands (recombinant technology) or is a live or modified live virus with adjuvents added. Anyone can have any allergic reaction to any of the vaccine components. In the interest of fairness, before I got my veterinary degree, I was pursuing an advanced degree in immunology.

    3. Oh, it's even worse than that:

    4. Rayvet, really glad that we have a medical professional speaking about this. But in fairness, the mRNA vaccine process has not been extensively tested, and there is a significantly higher adverse reaction rate to these COVID-19 vaccines than there are to standard vaccines. So saying that we should ignore our lyin' eyes and believe the medical professional in the room when you tell us it is safe isn't gonna fly.

      Come up with some actual stats that the mRNA vaccine isn't any more dangerous than a standard vaccine, and we can talk. Until then, your appeal to authority of saying that you are a DVM is not a functional method of convincing people of the facts.

    5. Shingles vaccine has higher rate.

  5. The bigger question is whether or not you'll be allowed to receive blood if you haven't been vaccinated. The UK is issuing "Do Not Resuscitate" orders for people with learning disabilities that contract Covid. "Vaccination Passports" are also being discussed. Is the panic going to rise to the level that anyone that hasn't been vaccinated is considered disposable?

    1. Yes, but only slightly more disposable than any of the other mass of mundanes. The elites don't want us cluttering up their planet, don'tchanknow.

  6. Rayvet: "Really, you don't want to lecture me on vaccines. Your entire statement about the mRNA vaccine is a fabrication and not truthful."

    Really? Tell that to Pfizer, since that's where I got the description of their mRNA "vaccine."

    "It doesn't matter whether a vaccine is composed of subunit DNA/RNA strands (recombinant technology) or is a live or modified live virus with adjuvents added."

    I suspect your understanding of viral vaccines is limited.

    Conventional viral vaccines are of differing types: whole dead virus, protein coat only, and weakened virus. In all cases, the protein coat is what matters. The protein coat is what antibodies attach to attack the virus. Viral vaccines simply "teach" your immune system to recognize the live virus when it Shows up in the wild.

    The mRNA "vaccines" have no protein coat. The are genetically engineered as the "blueprint" for a protein found in the SARS-CoV-2 betaccoronavirus. The mRNA enters a cell, hijacks ribosomes (the cellular protein "factories"), and causes the ribosomes to produce that foreign protein. The protein is then supposed to produce an immune response from the body, causing it to produce antibodies that -- hopefully -- will also work against real SRAS-CoV-2.

    Foreign proteins are what cause allergic reactions. If someone happens to pump out too much of that psuedo-SARS protein anaphylactic shock is possible.

    I find it morbidly amusing that the allergic reactions we're seeing are being blamed on the polyethylene glycol, and not the foreign protein. PEG is a common ingredient in other medicines, makeup, toothpaste, personal lube, food, and drinks. But suddenly NOW it's the prob with the experimental, unapproved vaccine that wasn't tested on animals BEFORE humans.

  7. Since rayvet believes my description is "fabrication and not truthful," let's look at some Pfizer and CDC descriptions.
    "The Pfizer BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine is a messenger RNA (mRNA) vaccine that has both synthetic, or chemically produced, components and enzymatically produced components from naturally occurring substances such as proteins. The vaccine does not contain any live virus. Its inactive ingredients include potassium chloride, monobasic potassium, phosphate, sodium chloride, dibasic sodium phosphate dihydrate, and sucrose, as well as small amounts of other ingredients."
    "mRNA vaccines take advantage of the process that cells use to make proteins in order to trigger an immune response and build immunity to SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19. In contrast, most vaccines use weakened or inactivated versions or components of the disease-causing pathogen to stimulate the body’s immune response to create antibodies.

    mRNA vaccines have strands of genetic material called mRNA inside a special coating. That coating protects the mRNA from enzymes in the body that would otherwise break it down. It also helps the mRNA enter the dendritic cells and macrophages in the lymph node near the vaccination site.

    mRNA can most easily be described as instructions for the cell on how to make a piece of the “spike protein” that is unique to SARS-CoV-2. Since only part of the protein is made, it does not do any harm to the person vaccinated but it is antigenic.

    After the piece of the spike protein is made, the cell breaks down the mRNA strand and disposes of them using enzymes in the cell. It is important to note that the mRNA strand never enters the cell’s nucleus or affects genetic material. This information helps counter misinformation about how mRNA vaccines alter or modify someone’s genetic makeup.

    Once displayed on the cell surface, the protein or antigen causes the immune system to begin producing antibodies and activating T-cells to fight off what it thinks is an infection. These antibodies are specific to the SARS-CoV-2 virus, which means the immune system is primed to protect against future infection."

    1. Dude, prepare for the trolls. I did this 3 weeks ago. Tin foil runs deep on both sides.

  8. I shall defer from arguing any further with you conspiracy folks. It's people like you with no expertise, no formal training, no person experience and even worse, linking to non medically related sites that make us on the right look like a bunch of whack jobs. You do you, I'll do me and I'll sit back and pop some corn and see who can out kook each other.

    1. Consider this-solely from a numbers standpoint: if the efficacy of 'vaccines' undergoing abbreviated tests range from 60% to 95%, what does that mean for the inverse, or the 40% to 5% not included in the efficacy numbers? My guess: the inverse of efficacy and the severe reactions/deaths have something in common. But, I am not a doctor, only a number cruncher. Deal me out and let someone else take my place in line.

    2. Bootlicker Ray......may your chains rest gently upon your shoulders.....

    3. Holy f... the vaccine manufacturer and the Centers for Disease Control are "non medically related sites"? Taking the manufacturer and the CDC at their word for how mRNA "vaccines" work is "conspiracy"?

      " When receiving blood do you ask if the people had DPT, measles, rubella vaccines?"

      They did back when I used to donate regularly.

      "This vaccine is NOT a government conspiracy,"

      I never said it was. That's a strawman argument.

      " it wasn't rushed to market "

      Going to human trials in less than a year is rushing, especially for a new class of vaccine that's never seen use in humans before. Going to human trials without animal testing first (animal and human testing started on the same day, according to Pfizer) is rushing.

      " It doesn't matter whether a vaccine is composed of subunit DNA/RNA strands (recombinant technology) or is a live or modified live virus"

      It matters. dead/weakened virus vaccines are vaccines, meant to cause an immune reaction to the realworld virus. mRNA "vaccines" are not vaccines, but are medications meant to cause the body to produce its own vaccine.

      Really, it sounds more like you're arguing with the voices in your head, not me.



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