
Tuesday, February 09, 2021

BLM and Antifa march in DC, threaten to 'burn down' Washington

Black Lives Matter and Antifa protesters marched in the streets of Washington, D.C., where demonstrators scuffled with police officers and the crowd shouted threats to "burn down" the nation's capital. 

On Saturday night, members of BLM and Antifa protested in D.C., where they regularly chanted, "If we don't get it, burn it down!" 


  1. "What do we want?"
    "When do we want it?"

  2. But these are peaceful protesters, not terrorists.

    1. My list of those who not to negotiate with was previously idiots, ex-wives, and terrorists.

      Peaceful protestors has been added.

  3. Did even one protester/rioter get shot in the neck......?

    Different enforcement of laws.....

    One law enforced against me.....but not against thee......

    Welcome to the land of the free.....for thee not me.....!


  4. So, who will be "impeached" for starting this riot?

    1. Trump. It was his "climate of hate" that caused it. Sheesh...don't you know that all that is bad in the world stems from Trump, and all that is good from Zhao Bai Den?

    2. You could start off with O'Bummer who started off the whole thing a while back:

      But cut Biden some slack. When the Communists took over Russia, the Kremlin (which means Citadel) was already built. It will take a while and a fw more National Guardsmen for them to feel really safe and secure.

      Phil B

  5. Well, if BLM and Antifa burn down DC, I guess we could relocate the seat of Government to Arkansas. See how many of those DC "elite" assholes would want relocate.

    1. Please, we try to keep a nice clean conservative state! Send the Capitol to Diego Garcia!

    2. They (TPTB) would just load up their cattle cars.....

      with the “Natives of Arkansas “.....and ship them off.....

      to re-education, relocation, and/or revaccination camps.


    3. C'mon man, I was once a Razorback. The folks there were mighty proud that on many measures they were at least 49th-they usually could count on Mississippi coming in at the bottom at 50th place. I can just envision Jerrold Nadler at the new Capitol somewhere in Mississippi on a hot summer day-the sweat and stink from that fat bastard would make any pig in the state look stately.

  6. Those leftie puke stains are never happy. A good thing actually.

  7. they talk about "burn it all down" until they run into the anti-protesters with flamethrowers.

    then there's running...and screaming...

    1. Need to get started doing that. Fucking commies think we are all pussies, afraid to pull a trigger.

  8. So, Antifa and BLM are gonna destroy D.C.? I believe the great Gordon Gekko said it best: "Mixed emotions, buddy. Like Larry Wildman going off a cliff in my new Maserati."

  9. Looks like those rice eating savages in China were onto something when they rounded up all the urbanites and took em out to work the rice paddies at gunpoint. -Dano

  10. Replies
    1. Only is you've got enough napalm.

  11. When all else fails, blame white males. We're the reason there's a hole in the ozone layer... the reason the Cubs took 108 years to win a World Series again... and the biggest reason these dumbshits can protest like this without getting their collective asses handed to them is 5 dozen odd old guys got together and formed a nation where dissent was allowed. Let's see them try this anywhere else on the planet.

  12. Fags, all of’M. Just fags

  13. Cops vs Communists. The only way America wins is if they both lose.

  14. Oh, no. That's like the Iraq-Iran war. Who do you root for?

    1. Send aid to whichever side is losing at the moment.

  15. "If we don't get it..."
    Get what? Get a joke? Get KFC for everyone? It's an incoherent chant... but then I would expect no less.

  16. I'm afraid its gonna be a fucked around and found out moment.... stand by.

  17. Short-term, that latest bunch of rioters are stomping around in Imperial City District Of china, yelling and making another mess.

    But the chinese never do anything short-term...

  18. Is the National Guard still there and are all the fences still up? Gonna be interesting if the get confrontational cause what orders will the Nat Guard have??? These aren't Americans (i.e. Trump supporters) this time

  19. Wait, I thought there were still 5k National Guard in DC. Or will they likewise just stand around and watch the fun as the police did in Portland and Seattle.

    1. 25,000 troops. Congress wants them gone and the Pentagon is telling Congress to shove it. You see, right now the military is running the entire government. Most of the really elected congresscritters and Senators have been arrested and some are already executed. "Congress" and the "Biden" body double just do film shots of "Biden" signing EO's on blank sheets of paper on a TV film set that kinda looks like the oral office.
      One place where two wall panels come together have a large crack that you can see. Everything you see going on with congress is BS. It doesn't mean anything and only about a forth are really the elected official.


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