
Tuesday, February 09, 2021

California revises indoor worship guidelines after Supreme Court lifts ban on in-person church services

California Gov. Gavin Newsom’s office on Saturday issued revised guidelines for indoor church services after the Supreme Court lifted the state’s ban on indoor worship during the coronavirus pandemic, but left in place restrictions on singing and chanting. 


  1. But but but but but, chanting Sieg Heil is not only permitted, it is highly recommended.

    1. No, that one's taboo. "Za Rodinu! Za Stalina!" is the preferred form.

  2. So they'll begrudgingly "allow" people to exercise their religion. But will still dictate attendance and control their citizens' actual behavior while congregating. Such utter bullshit. If you're not free to assemble and practice as you deem necessary then you're not free. You're still being treated like cattle.

  3. I live in Cairns Nth Queensland Australia. Population is less than 200,000 but the main business is tourism. Our life style is exactly the same as it was pre Cough-19. We have had no deaths what-so-ever attributed to it. Mind you people still get the flu and die from old age. What a crock of shit it all is. The Libs must be loving it.

  4. Another 'dictate' from another dictator.

  5. Can you even imagine what's going on in Newslum's head while deciding how Californians be allowed to worship God and what deity gives him that authority?


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