
Friday, February 05, 2021

House Dems Want Amnesty for Illegals in Virus Relief Bill

A hundred or so House Democrats are asking House Speaker Nancy Pelosi to include what critics are calling amnesty for some illegal immigrants in the COVID relief package currently being hammered out in Congress, Breitbart reports. 

The Congressional Hispanic Caucus is heading up the group of House Democrats who sent a letter to Pelosi over the weekend seeking amnesty for at least 5 million illegal immigrants deemed "essential workers" who are recipients of Temporary Protected Status (TPS) or the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) programs. 


  1. Where's the Congressional White Caucus on this?

    1. @P&L You bite your tongue you racist, white supremacist, nazi sympathizing, furry horn hat wearing, domestic terrorist! J/K They're probably trying to fill out their forms to get a loan from the United Ne**o College Fund....oh wait...nevermind! Bwahahaha

    2. The GOP? Frantically waving the white flag of war; if that doesn't work, then they'll break out the kneepads and spit cups.

    3. Still waiting for that "White history month".

  2. Only if they agree to personally take care of them and not put the burden on the American taxpayer.

    1. Not even then. Illegal aliens all need to be shipped back to wherever they came from. They are criminals by definition, and the last thing we need to do is reward them for their crimes. That'll just get us more, which is what the DemonRats want of course.

  3. Meh, just a matter to time before they pull the trigger


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