
Thursday, February 11, 2021

If you love freedom, you're a 'far-right extremist' to the left

The "far right" is mentioned often in the mainstream media. As to who these people are, we need only know that they are the ones who refuse to submit to the left's attempts to exercise absolute control over their thoughts, speech, and lives. 

To our national detriment, colleges and universities, the media, the entertainment industry, Big Tech, and most of the corporate world have joined the left's cultural revolution. They define the terms of the debate and act as if these radical new standards have always been the norm. Most American institutions support this grand deception. 


  1. One should point out to these same people who are attending colleges and universities that furthering their education with the intention of earning a good living and also supporting Communism are exact opposites, unless they are willing to become doctors who will live in the same one-room apartments with a common bathroom per floor as those cleaning toilets.

    1. Except that everyone intends to be/thinks they will be party favorites with extra beet rations, a dacha, and a car. None imagine that they will be part of the expendable masses.

  2. And anyone on the left is a communist agitator that needs to go on a one-way helicopter ride over the ocean.

    Tit for tat.

    1. Over the ocean? Well, aren't you the soft touch guy. I'm for free helicopter rides over pavement only.

    2. Why inflict cleaning up progtard gore on some innocent worker? And fish gotta eat too!

  3. Yep, that would be me, sir.

  4. If’n we got the label already, might as well be the best extremist you can be.

  5. Isn't it ironic that freedom gives the left the right to hate freedom without a 9mm in the back of their head.


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