
Friday, February 26, 2021

Like a Chinese restaurant's never seen a dead cat before...

SACRAMENTO, Calif. — The owner of a butcher shop is frustrated after a mutilated cat was left in a box outside her shop. Sacramento police are investigating it as a hate crime. 

Surveillance cameras captured it all Monday afternoon right outside the front door of the Mad Butcher Meat Company in south Sacramento. A man is seen pulling a box, later discovered to have the dead cat inside, out of the back of his truck and leaving it there in the lot for all the customers to see. 


  1. I remember watching a dogs trot into a Ville. Ya never saw one trot out of a Ville.

  2. Hey, I'm eating leftover Ma-Po tofu (with "pork") right now. Watch how you speak on Chin-chi-uh-uh-hrrr-hrrr-hakk! Whok-patooey! [sorry, hairball] Chinese food.

    1. I love Chinese food, hate it when the forget to de-claw the shrimp.

      Frank Fisher

  3. The original owners of the Mad Butcher shop were my neighbors for thirty years. Very quiet nice folks. The young lady they are interviewing is probably their daughter. As a political refugee from California, I moved to Idaho less than a year ago.

    Uncle Dave


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