
Monday, February 15, 2021

Looks like I'm not going anywhere for the next couple days

The road in front of my place. We were supposed to get a couple inches of snow last night. Instead, we got sleet. My road is frozen solid and I've been watching it since 5 this morning and have seen exactly 2 4WD trucks traveling along at about 20 mph. Later this morning the snow's supposed to start, adding more shit to the road.



  1. Replies
    1. Yeah, I love it here. That road normally carries quite a bit of ag traffic but after about 4 or 5 PM, it's pretty much deserted and quiet. At night I can go 2-3 hours without seeing a vehicle on it.

  2. same here in Louisiana. Lots of sleet, a little snow on top

  3. Central OK, it's a few degrees below zero, and the snow that fell the last couple of days is so dry I cleared half the driveway with the leafblower.

    Not sure how much, I'm guessing 5-6 inches. And since the sun's out, it's going to be damn cold tonight.

  4. "Looks like I'm not going anywhere for the next couple days"
    You say that like it's a bad thing. screw society..

  5. We're in a sleet-pocalypse down here in Louisiana. Nothing moving on the roads. It's plumb terrible, but I suspect we might thaw out by the end o the week. The weather weenies are telling us to expect more white hell on Wednesday.

  6. Here in ATL we're in the 40s and have no forecast of snow/ice. I guess the jet stream pushed it north of us.

  7. -22 @ 7:00 this morning in N. Iowa. One thing good though, dogs don't lollygag when they go out. Do their job & back in.

  8. Stay safe Ken and keep the chicken coop from freezing shut. Still raining here.

    1. Damned near couldn't get that sucker open this morning.

  9. Up here in West Ky, we got an ice storm last Wednesday. Supposed to have 8-10 inches of snow today and then Wed and Thursday more snow. This week is shot, will not get above freezing until Sat and rain on Sunday.

  10. All that stuff is coming up my way. It's supposed start any time now. I must say, we're more prepared for it than people in Tennessee probably are as it's a months long yearly occurrence here.


  11. I actually prefer my wife’s minivan for that kind of travel the front wheel drivers and a good set of all season radials make all the difference. my trucks got to much power and a light rear end. My issue is with the jackwagon’s that think just because the can go faster that Newton’s first law of physics to only figure out that they need 4 times the stopping distance and ass end or t-bone some poor bastard just trying to go to work. But growing up in South Dakota I lettered in driving in snow drift busting.

    John in SD

    1. I've seen a couple more vehicles going up the road into town and both were minivans and doing just fine.
      I generally toss 3 or 4 seventy pound bags of sand in the back of my truck to weight it down some before I drive in shit like that. If I get to slipping, the sand gets tossed under my wheels.

  12. You would do just fine driving that road if you had Hankook I-Pike tires on your pickup, but of course living where you do, there is no reason for you to have spent the money for a set of them, just in case you a day or two of weather like this happens.
    I know that you are a planner, and are stocked up to survive just fine for a few days, and I hope that Miss Lisa doesn't need a doctor's appointment or run out of meds until your roads dry up.
    You two take care....

    Tim in AK

    1. We'll be fine. I've got plenty of food, Lisa doesn't have any in-person appointments this week and I've got plenty of wood hauled for the stove.
      I've also go a generator and 40+ gallons of gas on hand in case we lose power.

    2. When I was younger and lived further up the mountain I kept two sets of tires for my pickup; the summer tires and a set of studded Coopers with some pretty aggressive tread. It was the only way to go. It also helped that I generally was packing my tools, hoses, parts and fuel for work.
      My 8800 GVW pickup weighed 10,300 pounds with it's working pants on. Between that and driving like a white man I never had a bit of trouble.

  13. Hah. Not even enough snow to cover the grass. Another 6 inches, 20 below and 25 mph wind and it might look like Minnesota. And that still wouldn't keep cars off the roads.

    1. That's ice, not snow.
      And there's a fucking reason I don't live any further north than I do.

    2. yep - -31 this morning when I loaded up a steer to head to the butcher. Mid-MN. This weather keeps up and we will need to close the bedroom window at night! :-)

  14. I know you have driven on the stuff. I too drove on it. Took my drives test on snow before they used salt. Ya didn't see pavement for months. "I get it, that's ice." However, I moved to Va. years ago. When it snowed I would not drive because I was terrified of the other drivers, not the snow.

    1. Yeah, I've driven on it before but I prefer not to. I've got two idiots to deal with on those kind of roads - me and other drivers.

  15. Stay home and stay safe. Ain't worth it.

  16. We received 8 inches at my place in VanWa and other areas got over a foot.
    Southern parts of Portlandia got freezing rain and the accompanying power outages.
    Supposed to have a half day today, but we had so many people call out they pulled it. :(

  17. 11 degrees in Anchorage at the house this morning. That’s a good temp for February I hate ice more than I can say, all the beautiful snow turns to shit. Supposed to be in the 30’s tomorrow. Hope it stays cold.

    Driving on ice is like driving a boat. Boats don’t stop or turn on a dime and neither do cars on ice.

  18. Yup, stay home. BTW Saturday morning here at my house W of Rapid City it was —22°F.

  19. No lie. I read ya most Lima Charles.

  20. Yep, just lost all of my Indian Figs, around years of labor on them. :( They usually power through temps in the 20s and multi-day freezes but single digits was too much for them. :(

    I have two cuttings that were supposed to be an unmentioned gift for someone but it looks like I'll be keeping those.

    about to go out and pull them all up to see what can be saved.


  21. We got about 3 to 4 inches of snow at my house since yesterday mid-day and it is still snowing off and on, power is out with no word of when it will be back. On top of that we have a feels like temp of -6. Cell and internet is spotty at best so I don't know if this will go through. Houston isn't supposed to be this way but it does make me miss Germany.

  22. Wow Wirecutter, I thought you lived way out in the Tullies. A PAVED road????? Sign me up!

  23. You got it easy. Sleet, freezing rain and snow in and around Portland, depending on the time and where you are. We got all of it. Had to put the emergency props under the patio roof to keep it from collapsing. It started Thurs afternoon and ended this morning. It is now 47 and partly sunny.
    Lots of trees down and people without power. They say it's going to be over a week before everyone is back on.
    Had to make a milk run yesterday. It was OK. First time I used 4x4 on the Explorer.
    Oh yea, The rioters came out again. Took advantage of the weather to throw ice chunks at the police. SMH.

  24. we got 8" of powdery snow southwest of st louis.

  25. It was 78 here in Saint Petersburg, Florida today. Supposed to get down in the 40s later this week, though. On the other hand.....Florida.

  26. Way back before Climate Change took over we lived in the mid-South-every couple of years there would be half an inch to an inch of ice, but never snow. The city did not own any kind of sand spreaders, so everything closed down and people stayed home until the ice melted.

    1. We don't get much snow here, but we do manage to get a nice coating of ice every year and they don't scrape or salt the roads outside of town. So yeah, we just stay home too.

  27. Yes, we got the ice followed by a good coating of sleet/freezing rain. Yay. I don't think we will be getting out of our valley for a few days. A few years ago, we got 8 or 9 inches of snow in two separate storms a few days apart, followed by a cold snap that got to -10 and -7 nights, back to back. We were stuck in the valley for over two weeks. Never lost power, though; so, we had water and the wood stoves kept us toasty.

    Glad to hear that you and Lisa are situated for the weather. It doesn't happen every year. My wife, who grew up in Taiwan, had never seen snow until she came to Tennessee. This is god's country and we count our blessings and the providence that brought us to this little oasis of peace and quiet.

    Be careful and cautious. Yee ha!

  28. I have to honest, I'm enjoying it. It's peaceful and quiet, with almost zero traffic on my road. I've had a nice fire going for a couple days and I have a good book. Can't ask for much more.

    1. Amen and hallelujah, brother. Been snowing all morning here.

  29. We got down to -17 here in southern Co with only an inch of snow, but I did see two coyotes off the side of the road tryin' to jumpstart a jackrabbit.


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