
Monday, February 22, 2021

Now what?



  1. No trouble , He'll come down when he gets hungry .

  2. Go a little higher. There's a diving board...

  3. Go a little higher. There's a diving board...

  4. Barbecue atop the water tower?

  5. The audio/video version the crowd keeps chanting: "saltar, saltar, saltar". Probably praying to the goat God or whatever that means.

  6. No need for tenderizer.

  7. I remember seeing just a bit of one episode of Hill Street Blues, where the beat cops were called about a cow being kept in an upper-floor apartment in a tenement building. They were trying to figure out what to do and this old black dude was laughing, saying "Good luck, 'cause a cow ain't got no down genes." They can go up stairs, but not down. No doubt true (though I wondered how a guy who spent his whole life in a city like NYC would know that).

    1. Cows have difficulty seeing what is right at their feet. They rely on feel so are reluctant to go down steps. It's blind faith on their part, but they are quite capable of going down stairs.

  8. 'Sling Load' with a McDonald Douglas 500E chopper. On Maui Tommy Haupmin of Pacific Helicopters slings cows down from 'Haleakala'(10K extinct volcano) when they get too far up for the 'paniolos' to bring down!
    Cow 'wrangling' via chopper on Maui link:

    1. Well, that ranks right up there with one of the most amazing things I've ever seen.

      I had a big full grown Black Baldie that dislocated a back leg one time. I would not have thought flying them out by their back leg was even possible.

  9. Send Lord Vetinari up there. Terry Pratchett fans know what I mean.
    --Tennessee Budd

  10. Saltar means "jump" in Spanish. Could be same in Portuguese but mine is a bit rusty.
    Actually you need to send Dibbler up there, not Vetinari ;-)


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