
Thursday, February 18, 2021

Poll: 70 Percent of Republicans Would Leave GOP for a Pro-Trump Third Party

A CBS News poll suggests that almost three-fourths of Republican voters would, in some capacity, be prepared to leave the GOP in favor of a third party founded by President Donald Trump, as reported by the Epoch Times. 

The poll found that 33 percent of respondents said that they would definitely join such a party, while another 37 percent answered that they would “maybe” do the same. The remaining 30 percent said that they would remain with the GOP. The findings are similar to a HarrisX-Hill poll which reported that 64 percent of Republicans would join a third party led by President Trump.


  1. All well and good. However 64% of Republicans equals loosing elections by a bigger majority than the one that was stolen 2020. Ask GHW Bush, Ross Perot and Bubba Clinton how that works.

    The real question these imbeciles should be asking is how many registered Demonrats would join. If 30% of current Demonrats and a like number of the soon to be U.S. citizens by presidential decree join, then conservatives might have a fighting chance. Otherwise one is just pissing in the wind and calling the result rain.


    1. The Democrats controlled the vote in 2020 by cheating and will do so un-challenged in the future so I say go for it just like the kamikazes who thought their sacrifice would win the war.

    2. A new third party founded on the principals of Donald (George Washington) Trump or a insurrection that will end in the deaths of millions of Americans.


    3. Yes voting no longer matters. For entertainment purposes only if we are here in 2 years vote one last time but straight democratic ticket to kick the rino's out on their asses.

  2. I'd be in favor of kicking cocaine Mitch and Lizzard Cheney out of the party, along with a few others, then establish a code of conduct that no member will accept large payments for speaking nor accept campaign money from anything other than individual donors.
    Citizens United was a poor decision and has been weaponized against us.

  3. Republicans, with the exception of a few, are just mostly RINOS and no better than Democrats.

  4. “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results.”

  5. What's it matter when the dems just truck in however many ballots they need at 2 am, or hell, just say "we counted x number' and no you can't count them yourself. The lawless country doesn't even deserve banana republic status at this point.

  6. And the Conservatives (or what's left of them) will never win another national election.

    I loved a lot about Trump, but he WAS an asshole. If he wasn't such a dick, he could've taken over the mantle as the next Reagan and there wouldn't be a need for a new party.

    1. Regan was responsible for the 1986 machine gun ban [fixed supply]. TINVOWOOT.

    2. I’m with you Abe. I’m sick of the deification of Trump. Despite the non stop assault on him, he could have risen above it and survived. Instead, he chose to be a non stop dickhead and he completely turned off her suburban vote. If he hadn’t been such an ass, there would have been nothing to steal. And he alone cost us the GA senate seats.

      I want to follow the Buckley rule and nominate the most conservative candidate who can win. In Maine, that means Collins, and I want to be part of a party that has room for people like her. Remember the Tea Party purity tests? At the time they cost us seats in at least AL, DE, IN, and MO. How’d that work out?

      All this third party talk will lead to utter ruin. Look beyond Trump for Chissakes. Rush would want us to find a way to come together. Let’s not destroy his legacy with infighting.

    3. @Bobby Larry: "I want to follow the Buckley rule and nominate the most conservative candidate who can win."

      Ok, here are your choices: Lenin, Stalin, Trotsky, Pol Pot, and Mao; ah, what the hell, you can even have Enver Hoxha in there, too. Go ahead - pick the most conservative one wwho can win.

  7. Anyone recall that the Republican Party WAS a "third" party in the 1850s?

    1. No. I've read that but you're giving away your age.

    2. Exactly. As the Whigs faded away and the Republican Party won the White House, so the decaying and corrupt Republican Party must be dissolved.

  8. It's a Democrat poll. They know they win with a 3rd party.

  9. He left just proved beyond any debate that it no longer matters who votes for which candidate. They now can control who gets elected to al let every political office that matters. As long as they are in power there will NEVER be fair and honest elections again. And since there will never be fair and honest elections again for left will ALWAYS be in power. TINVOWOOT. There is only one choice left to prevent the destruction of America and our enslavement. And that choice is war.....civil war.

  10. Awe. How cute. CBS News is acting like elections and political parties matter.

  11. Third party or not,We will never vote republican again.
    None of our votes matter anymore anyway.

    1. President Harris will thank you.

    2. Did not say I would not vote again. Said I would not vote republican again.

      Do you think your vote really matters? Do you think it will matter after the democrats have had a couple years to solidify and codify the election cheating?

      Do you really think that in the future 'elections' anyone that they don't want elected will be elected, ever again? 2020 was out shot at saving it all.

  12. So i can join the choir
    I can hope this gets forwarded to a Repube.

    All done with you traitors.
    They can come out and say they are going to repeal everything gun from 1934 on.
    I still will NEVER vote for these traitors again.

    All Done.

  13. Voting - a waste of time and energy. TINVOWOOT.

  14. I grew up in a mixed step family with 5 girls and 4 boys. We would vote on what to watch on TV and other things that involved choice. The girls would always win and they were always wrong and that's how I learned about "democracy" which by the way is not mentioned in either the Constitution or the Declaration of Independence. Not that anyone ever reads those things much less abides by them. I'm all done voting. TINVOWOOT. On the other hand the girls control of the TV made me into a voracious reader which has given me a huge advantage and much pleasure in life. The crowd is always wrong. There was more than just safety involved in the advice of Ole Remus "Stay away from crowds".

  15. Unless and until a fair sized majority of "us" guys start casting bullets instead of ballots, this shithole republic will only get worse. OG


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