
Tuesday, February 02, 2021

Stop it!

It’s time to stop. People who criticize Q for being a method of quelling the masses offer little difference when they speak of keeping oaths and defending the republic against all enemies foreign and domestic. None of it is happening. 

The most logical and rational meme is that “no one is coming to save you.” Also, no one is going to save the republic. There are a lot of reasons for this, good, logical reasons. One is that the chances of a patriot surviving the first conversation with a federal agent are slim and none. Who knows who they are, they have infiltrated every situation. Suddenly, the patriot is carted off for conspiracy of something. So, there is no one to trust.


  1. The only question is, will it be a more Soviet system or a Chinese one?

  2. Or do we start shooting the black hats? Scary thought, but have we been offered an alternative? Don't come after me, I'm too old to fight.

    1. "Or do we start shooting the black hats?"

      Didn't you get the memo? That's not who we are. We can't sink to their level. We obey the law. This is not the hill to die on. Voat harder, we'll get 'em next time!
      - The American Right

    2. I agree with the author - no group can/will take the capital.

      Taking them out 1 at a time is how I see any "resurrection" happening.

      Im not advocating anything (to the govt watchers) - I'm just speculating.

  3. ok, thats their opinion. Want mine? This person is a troll. Nobody is that big of a dooshbag surrender monkey. Has to be. Also FYI no worries good guys got this.

    1. I've been dealing with TL Davis for years. Trust me, he's no troll.

    2. has been an interesting read for sometime now for me.

  4. like it or not this is where America is right now. How will we deal with it.....that is the key question

  5. For months we have been told Trump has the military on our side. I believe our military could be great, but we have "lost" every war we have been in since Viet Nam. I have no problem having out military exterminating every commie in America. That goes for the guy in my county tax office who is finding new ways to raise my property taxes without Congressional approval to the college profs who brainwash out kids to the commies in every fedgov office and agency.

    If 100 million need to be taken out, so be it. If we don't fight this out now, today, there will never ever be another honest election. Our freedoms will be gone forever. Things in this country will never be like has been in the past where the commies like Bush and Clinton and obama played their commie shit up to a point, but never went full communist on us. If Trump and the Alliance walk away...kiss your ass goodbye. It will just be a matter of time before you or I or someone we know will be picked up for questioning and never return.

    Just as our side knows everything "they" have done, the black hats know exactly where we live, how we shop what we drive and who could be a threat. Duh! NSA has every secret from all of us. And both sides can use that info.

    For the past three months the US Marshalls have been picking up pedos and running them through Military tribunals and executing most of them. Maybe tomorrow that ends and a week later after new US Marshalls are in place, people on our side begin to disappear. If Trump and team are going to bail out, then I would suggest everyone who is armed and will not live under communism start doing something about it.

    It's not difficult to know who the commies are around you. Most radio and tv stations near you are all commies to one degree or another. Many medium sized cities are run by those who would like a commie's butt. Same for lots of large (rich) counties. Do your studies, read the tactics written in favorite books of conservatives. Each one of us will have to be a lone wolf at least to start. Anyone elected and a democrat is a target. Anyone who works for a Fed office is a target.

    Yeah I know lots of people who work for the fed are not commies but if someone is killing fed workers, lots of workers will quit and find other work. The fbi has a total workforce of 35,000 spread out all over America, The cia has 20,000. Want to know how many work for ICE? the US Marshall's office? Go look it up. The complete total of general LE in the whole country is not that great and most of them will be somewhere far from what you are fixing to do to a target. Practice, build your confidence and tell NO ONE!!!

    1. I have not red anything about marshalls ridding the world of pedos. Link or something?

    2. I'm not saying you're wrong, but I'll believe it when I start seeing it. The first ones to start that sort of fight are going to find themselves crushed by the entire weight of the federal government. Without military involved, it's going to be a monumental fight. The moment some Generals jump from this ship of fools, the game changes dramatically. I wish I had the insight of knowing some of their thoughts.

    3. Charlie there will be no generals or tenured cops jump ship or they lose their retirement/pension. They are the problem. It will be mostly from the noncom area.

  6. We deal with it the same way we did the last time....

  7. T.L. Davis is an exceptional patriot and man. I, too, have been privileged to have some contact with him so I can say this from personal experience. He is no troll. What surprises me is his last paragraph:

    "One method is to start at the county level and establish your rights there. Then, build out from that one county at a time, if necessary. The first order of business must be to deny federal troops or agents access to the county in any form for any reason. They are the enemy or the messengers of the enemy, they told us so."

    Reclaiming our nation county by county is something I've been advocating myself for some time now. My own inspiration is primarily from Virginia's 2A sanctuary movement. While the results were arguably vague at best, the sheer demonstration of the will of WE the PEOPLE was stunning. Note, the scamdemic arrived just in time to short circuit this movement and stop it from spreading nationwide. No, I am not offering up yet another "conspiracy theory". I am simply noting the correlation. No one knows what would have happened sans the wuhan flu. The movement might have fizzled on its own or never morphed into something more powerful. There is nothing stopping us from picking up and moving forward.

    On another note - I was likewise surprised to see the Oathkeepers advance this idea.

    "Muster NOW in their county seat. Meet face to face and sort out grid down comms and who will be “Home Guard” and part of a “Family Safe” program to stay back and protect families, while also determining who can project out to protect and assist others. Do it now before comms go down."

    While one must consider the context and other things advocated by them, I am encouraged by their acknowledgment of our county seats being the center of our concentrated power as citizens.

    I am encouraged every time I see the prospect of local citizens gathering in our respective counties to make our desires known. I contend this is the only way our republic can be restored and move forward. Once this principle takes hold, there will be no stopping us.
    For those of who would scowl and dismiss this idea... what else are you gonna do? Whine some more? Vote harder next time? Wait for that knock on your door? Please. Tell me. What, exactly is you idea? Or have you already thrown up your hands in surrender? 

    For the record, I am reposting my comments here on my own, much-neglected-lately site.

    1. Andy you are correct. After reading his post I sent TL an email in regards to the county level thing basically saying my belief is that is no longer an option. He responded to my statement. He is a true patriot. His last couple of posts I believe are mostly spent on. Sign up for email of his posts from his sight. On occasion he makes additional posts to his regulars.


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