
Tuesday, February 02, 2021

Tennessee senator wants to block illegal immigrants from getting driver's licenses

NASHVILLE, Tenn. (WZTV) - U.S. Sen. Marsha Blackburn (R-Tenn.) has officially introduced legislation to block some federal funding from sanctuary states who allow undocumented immigrants to get drivers licenses without proof that a person is legally living in the United States. 


Given the current administration, this doesn't have a snowball's chance in hell of passing, but it's a nice try.


  1. In regards to your comment about the legislation not having a chance of passing. That is precisely why it is being proposed now. It is just like all of the "attempts" to repeal obamacare prior to Trump winning. And then, when Trump won, and the GOP had control of both the house and senate, suddenly repealing obamacare wasn't a priority. If nothing else, Trump exposed just how little difference there is between republicans and democrats in government.

    1. Bingo, T Town, the Deep State bottom feeders are surfacing now Trump's gone.

      Here's another Major League Phony trying to save his political ass:

      Lyin’ Ted has returned. Senator Ted Cruz Says ‘Reckless and Irresponsible’ Trump Could Not Prove Election Fraud

    2. What T Town said.
      x50 in the Senate, and x211 in the House.
      They're all on your side when all it costs is jabber-jawing, and 100% against you when the rubber meets the road, and they have to grow an actual spine.
      Piss on the entire misbegotten lot. There's 248 gutless RINOs in the batch, including Blackburn, and maybe 3 sincerely conservative die-hards, so the odds are 99:1 against you, and none of your reps are one of the three.

    3. Paraphrasing another curmudgeon here: "When Republicans are in power, they do nothing. When they're out of power and can do nothing, they turn into the toughest-talking sonsabitches on the planet."

      To which I'd add: Why not? The pay's the same, the job is lighter, the offices only mildly crappier, and they can fundraise off the need to "Stop those Democrats."

      Fuck 'em. I'm not playing the game anymore.

    4. Hard to prove when no court we let you present the proof.

  2. Trouble is, the way the instructions are written, we can't get rid of all of 'em at once without open revolt. All we can legally remove at one time is about 60 % of the vermin. It's akin to taking a glass full of sludge from a septic tank, dumping 2/3's of it out and topping it off with clean water. You gonna drink that?

    1. Vote straight democrat in two years if were here and poof they are gone.

  3. In Cali I was twice hit by illegals. T-boned at an intersection in San Diego and the guy had zero insurance and illegal and rear ended by another drunk Mexican in a pick up truck in Encinitas. Again no insurance. Everything Cali does is bad from no-fault to whatever idiocy they dream up for fire management in their forests. Really simple. Pass a law, any illegal involved in an accident with no insurance gets thrown over the border within 24 hours of the 'accident.'

    1. Then you would not have to pay for uninsured motorist to the corporate auto insurance industry.

  4. Maybe there are single digit repubs in congress that give a shit but as a group they didn't do shit for Americans the first 6 years of Bush and the first 2 years of Trump when they had the house and senate so fuck em all at this point and I said that even before mc-chuckles told 75+ million Trump voters to go fuck themselves.

  5. Maybe it will matter when a Senator's kid is killed by a drunk driving illegal.


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