
Thursday, February 18, 2021

"You Can't Get Something For Nothing"

Conservative talk radio host Larry Elder recalled his late father’s warnings about the Democrat Party while making a statement before a House hearing on “slavery reparations” on Wednesday. 

Elder shared some of his father’s teachings regarding perseverance, personal responsibility, self-reflection, and accountability. He also expressed a view of struggle and adversity as permanent features of the human condition. 

Elder said:


  1. In front of congress, "today". Ha, this congress, ha ha ha. There is no grift if no payment. I wonder who got the gender studies money sent to Pakistan?

    Larry Elder is one of the extreme few amish that speaks with brilliance.

  2. This man obviously benefits from the rare but equally deadly BlackWhite privilege. Seize him!!!!

  3. What Elder's father said about hard work and controlling the effort is too much like work and actual thought process for today's complainers and demanders.

  4. And that boys & girls, is the cold hard fact. You only get out of life that which you are willing to put into it....
    It's been that way since the beginning of time, race, culture, political ideology, have absolutely zero bearing on it. It's up to you and you alone.

  5. Fact is that the present day desendents of slaves should be paying more in taxes as a thank you for not being born in Africa. THey have much better lives in America than any of them would have had in Africa. Africa is considered the place that modern man originated, yet Americns and Europeans have to go to Africa and dig a damn water well for them. I know people in my church that have reached into their own pockets to pay for those wells. No, Blacks here in the US whose ancesters were brought here in chains should be grateful for the opportunities they would never have had on the Dark Continent.

    1. Clive Bundy said pretty much the same. He was, unsurprisingly, lambasted for it as the media twisted his words into a knot.

    2. Clive Bundy was a grifter also. He did not want to pay the million dollars he owed in grazing fees to the gubermint. He wanted that in his pocket like a politician. His little pissant piece of land would hold only a few cattle and for wildfire control and other issues the fed lets people graze gov. land many do it and it is a good thing keeps beef supply up and steak prices down. Who likes steak. Fuck the bundy grifters, got lavoy finnicum killed also.

  6. Well, maybe *you* can't get something for nothing, but some of us have made a career out of it.
    - Al Sharpton


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