
Tuesday, March 16, 2021

Almost enough for a fill-up

 Gasoline took a 12 cent jump in Macon County Friday night, from $2.48 to $2.60 a gallon. Twelve cents in one night.


  1. $3.89.9 here in Kings County tonight.

  2. We are up over $.80 cents a gal since Biden stole the election and arrived at the White House.

  3. They can only use the Texas snow storm excuse for so long.

  4. Is that pallet of moola going to Iraq or Iran? Can never keep those shit hole countries apart.

    1. Just to put it in perspective, when Obama sent the money to Iran it was 37,000 pounds of 100 dollar bills.

  5. Your Sierra Foothills report, 3/16-
    The same night Ken's price jumped 12¢ our price went from $3.50 to $3.60. One dollar a gallon higher than in Lafayette and almost 60¢ higher than inauguration day.
    Most stations here are at $3.80 with the 2 Chevron stations all being at $3.90.

  6. Pallets of ponzi.Ohio Guy

  7. Gone up by that much twice in the past month and a half in Palm Coast. Up overall by fifty cents in that time.

  8. 2.79 at my house. they had the nerve to ask the saudis to increase production.

    1. And just wait 'til our new Norwegian-Native American Secretary of the Interior shuts down all resource extraction on the 40+ million acres under her control.

    2. Elmo, that will be sometime this afternoon.

    3. Yeah, probably.
      If she does let's see what gas is next weekend.

    4. biden already signed an EO to stop all drilling and leases on federal land!!! grayman

  9. Whatever the cost of a gallon of gas in your area just add $1.00–$1.50 a gallon to see what people are a paying in California the “breakfast cereal” state It’s called the breakfast cereal state because half the population are Fruits Flakes and Nuts !

  10. Almost feel guilty. Gas is $2.70 and Diesel $2.99 in my area.

  11. $2.87in Northern Michigan.

  12. I read somewhere that a stack of 100$ bills 3 feet tall is 1 million dollars and that looks like 40 million there. That's probably enough at this 10 seconds

  13. More reparations for Iran?

  14. At .05 cents per increase, our pump price here in Alaska has went up .80 cents since the "election", and the rise in price does not appear to be slowing down.
    I do wonder how high it will go, but try not to worry about it since there is not a single fucking thing I can do about it.

    Tim in AK

  15. I filled up my car 2 weeks ago at $2.35. Filled up again 2 days ago at $2.85. Filled up my wife's car last night at $3.08. Prices are jumping up quite rapidly....

  16. Gas is up 60 to 70 cents/gal since January here in East Massholia.
    Have you guys noticed food prices going up where you are?

    1. I'm not seeing an increase lately but we're not buying a lot of groceries, just perishables. I did notice a huge increase during the Great Toilet Paper Shortage of 2020 though - it seemed like I couldn't get out of Walmart for less than a hundred bucks, but the Piggly Wiggly stayed fairly stable. Guess where I do most of my shopping now?

  17. Last Nov. I could get 100% gasoline for $2.26 and 10% ethanol blend was under $1.80.
    Since Jan. 20 10% has gone up 89 cents @ gal. and pure gasoline has jumped almost $1. Fuck you, Joe Biden.

  18. $4.29 at the Chevron in Torrance, California. Yes, $4.29. Its gone up a buck per gallon since the election. The company stock for Chevron is up to $110 from $70 when the election was stolen. Somebody is making a fortune again, just not me.

    I'm way more hurt by the price of wood. $8.29 for a 2x4 at Lowes. The stud quality kind, kiln dried. They sell the green for $5.45. A joke? 6x6x8 is $54, doug fir. People are putting off the patio and deck work, of course.

    Mad at myself though, should have seen all this coming. Of course gas was going up, all prices that big companies control will go up.


  19. Chevron on the corner from my local gym here in SoCal is now $3.999. They've been creeping up about .10-.13 a day. Cheapest gas is 3.699. And it was a dollar less before what's his name.

  20. If you want to blame Biden that's fine, but it is actually OPEC. They are raising the price of crude oil to try and bust the American producers. It is a strategy that will probably backfire and drive crude oil back down into the $40's. Funny how no one complained when American oil producers were taking a beating. Fuck all of you. We producers ought to join OPEC and then take all your money.


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