
Tuesday, March 16, 2021

"Now let's all get nekkid and touch pee-pees"

SANTA CLARITA (CBSLA) — A former Panda Express employee in Santa Clarita is suing the company and a seminar academy connected to the employer for alleged disturbing behavior. 

The 23-year-old employee said she was subjected to a hostile work environment and failure to prevent harassment, sexual battery and intentional infliction of emotional distress after she said she felt required to attend training from Alive Seminars and Coaching Academy, which she described as cult-like.


  1. I didn't know the Panda Express Co. was owned by Andrew Cuomo.

  2. That's almost as big a crime as what they did to Chinese food.
    As an aside, the original Panda Inn in Pasadena, California was my parents favorite Chinese restaurant. The differences between old and new couldn't be more stark.

  3. Panda takes these accusations very seriously...Yeah, yeah. Now what are you going to do about them?


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