
Monday, March 15, 2021

Ban On 205 Different ‘Assault Weapons’ Introduced By Sen. Feinstein

Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) on Thursday introduced a ban on more than 200 “assault weapons” after the House passed two gun-control measures pertaining to background checks.

Her bill (pdf), called the “Assault Weapons Ban of 2021,” is co-sponsored by 34 Senate Democrats and would ban ammunition magazines that hold more than 10 rounds—similar to the bans on magazines in New York state and California.


  1. If we want to get rid of assaults to the Constitution we should get rid of the democrats.

  2. We knew this was coming. This is going to get stupid. People are going to get a dirt nap for this shit. Sad that. And we wonder why theres a fence up around where all the trouble makers hang out conspiring, guarded by troops and orks.

  3. If this plays out and it becomes "law of the land" all those who say "They'll have to take 'em from my cold dead hands" are going to have to ante up. Do Not think the cops or military are going step in. They'll get to keep their weaponry as a reward from their Socialist master for fuckin' over John Q. Citizen .

    1. Who's going to do the taking? If the cops and the military are "not going to step in" then who's gonna take them?

    2. Been saying for years the cops/ troops will do the bidding of their masters. The career types will find a way to rationalize reasons to go along. Though I’m sure you will find exceptions, do not expect any support from the po- po

    3. Socialism/democracy is communism with patience. They have all the records, and now they have the time. A few here, a few there, and they can whittle down the opposition. They weaponized the IRS to the same end, where the public is terrorized of their tax-feeding, seditious asses, without barely a shot being fired.

    4. Anonymous You misinterpreted my initial comment. I was saying the Cops and Military are going to be happy to break you door down and take you firearms. The enforcement drones will gladly obey their Masters who pay their salaries and pump up their lucrative retirement plans with taxpayer money.

    5. Well now the "popo ain't gonna help us" depends on who your popo are.

      I ask sheriff candidates will you enforce anti 2A laws.

      I train with a chief of police - he asks applicants "would you enforce a law you don't agree with? He said most answer yes - then he gets specific... thank God for chiefs like him!

      So I know a couple places those laws will be ignored.

      Exactly why (one of many reasons) I moved outta the big city - fk that.

      Anyway I don't have to worry, all my guns fell out of my canoe when it tipped over. A big loss...

  4. I'm wondering how many of their constituents have been buying these lately with the surges in sales. Then I wonder how many of them will miss the hypocrisy of rabidly supporting this.

  5. Never surprised by the lunacy of the Dems. However, I also won't be surprised by the wimpy GOP senators (looking at you McConnell, Murkowski and Romney) who will negotiate away our God-given Second Amendment rights in the interest of the filibuster or compromise or some stupid shit. A pox on all of them.

  6. Well we all know what the monkey said when he got his tail cut off....

  7. If passed will create the spark after the first home visit.

    1. My guess is that the majority of the pressure will come through quasi legal arm twisting. Do you want to get your social security, your pension, your disability, send your kids to school? Then provide your proof of turn in and home inspection.

  8. Well if that isn't the catalyst for shitfestivus, Then I'm sure the next piece of "legislation" will be. And if that doesn't kick it....They couldn't legislate a Chinese dildo. Ohio Guy

  9. Yet another 'Scary Looking Gun' ban. Put a wood stock and foregrip on it and it doesn't look so scary.

    We saw that before - same gun pieces employing finished wood pieces/parts that had been plastic and/or metal and it didn't look so scary, hence not an 'assault weapon'. But the mechanisms were no different, the weapon functioned the same way, fired the same rounds, but now it isn't so scary looking.

  10. That Jurassic Cunt can suck my ass with a crazy straw after taco and beer night.

  11. What really frosts me is that, as a Jew, of all peoples she should know better than to let government have a monopoly on force.

    1. wow, just wow. You think us "in the know" buy that bullshit ?

  12. I think this is a good thing. I'm really tired of the repetitive BS from Pelosi and her ilk. They want a war? Let them start with this flatly unconstitutional piece of paper.

  13. The magazine ban over 10 rounds. Any Glock owners out there? Taurus G2, or G3? Just about any striker fired pistol has a magazine of 12 or more rounds, in 9mm. How will this affect those? Myself, I know the fastest way to unload my magazines, if push comes to shove. Hope it never comes to that.

  14. which part of shall not do they not understand?

  15. Come and take commie cunts.


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