
Wednesday, March 24, 2021

Biden Administration Urges Supreme Court To Let Cops Enter Homes And Seize Guns Without A Warrant

The U.S. Supreme Court on Wednesday will hear oral argument in Caniglia v. Strom, a case that could have sweeping consequences for policing, due process, and mental health, with the Biden Administration and attorneys general from nine states urging the High Court to uphold warrantless gun confiscation. But what would ultimately become a major Fourth Amendment case began with an elderly couple’s spat over a coffee mug.


  1. This'll be interesting, especially in light of some recent SJC ruling that came out of left field.


  2. Law enforcement demonstrates at every opportunity what cowards they are.

  3. As do democrats.

  4. I suppose that will get a lot of Patriots killed. Molon Labe!

  5. I suppose that will get a lot of Patriots killed. Molon Labe!

  6. Inch by inch, step by step.

    Gentlemen, prepare to defend yourselves.

  7. Orks lie, cheat, and steal. Avoid them at all costs. Never call for them to help. NEVER talk to them, NEVER. Thats what a lawyer is for.
    I have very low regard for Orks, all of them, one and all.

    Saber 7

  8. This will get a lot of people shot on both sides of the issue. And most times it will be over nothing. Stupid.

    1. Its not over nothing. Its over everything.

      In the end the solution is once the Right gets power to remove gun laws entirely.

      Unless a person is in custody (or on a temp basis detained) on parole for a limited time (a federal maximum of five years) or under mental care if a danger to others, no law can apply.

  9. Dead cops and citizens will be the order of the day.
    When that time comes, it'll be time to go after the head of the snake.

  10. That sounded dictatorial, didn't it. I think its also a good way to end up with stacks and stacks of dead police officers (yay, dead crooked cops, boo, dead clean cops)

  11. Ok, he is not the commander and chief, He is an imposter. This is a rogue regime passing unconstitutional laws and mandates. Neighborhood watch on steroids my friends.

  12. " care-taking..."

    The emphasis seems to be on 'taking' my stuff then not giving it back.

    And if, in the process of taking my stuff, the government agents take my life, I suppose they won't return that either.
    Some system we have here.

  13. The real question is: If they can enter a home without a warrant, to confiscate lawfully-owned firearms (and other property; think lawfully-obtained (medical) marijuana, tape and digital recordings, banned books, etc.), does that mean we Citizens can enter their homes to make "citizen-arrests" when we observe them committing crimes and walking away?

    This could be fun . . .

    1. Why wait for them to commit a crime. They are currently able to enter without a warrant.

  14. It looks like it might have been an interesting article. Unfortunately they demanded I disable my ad blocker.

    Sorry. Instant "back" button.

    Too bad.

    1. Use a ad blocker that has a blocker you can block items on the page...I do works greaaat!

  15. Another demonstration of SOTUS's presumed infallibility.

    1) Nothing in our constitution even hints at this so-called "doctrine".

    2) It is well past time we step back to actually define law "enforcement" and admit "enforcement" does not mean "prevention".

    3) How about we come to terms with the principle that our constitution is a document limiting government. Such is the primary purpose. Any action expanding government is beyond the scope and therefore should be generally looked upon with suspicion, if not outright disdain.

  16. THAT'S HORSECOCK! AND is exactly why I have a 12ga. riot shotgun and a 20ga. STAGECOACH close NEAR the door. A 8 shot and a TWICE barrel......THEN we get serious. AFTER ALL I AM in TEXAS! THANK GOO'NES!


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