
Monday, March 08, 2021

Can't say that I blame her - disco sucks

MARCH 3--Angered that her roommate was playing the Chic classic “Le Freak” “over and over again very loudly,” a Florida Woman allegedly battered the disco devotee during a 12:15 AM confrontation yesterday in the duo’s apartment, cops report.


  1. Pepe didn't "Le Freak" out, he just "Messed with Bill"!
    Early in a well spent youth my first duty station was with 3/6 at Camp Lejeune. In 1966 the Marvelettes earned success with a single “Don’t Mess With Bill”. Contributing to their success was a member of my platoon who took every morning-to-night opportunity to continuously play it on a battery operation record player. Good for awhile but s**t soon got old. Especially so for my bunky “Pepe”. Finally it became “enough already” and “Pepe” took advantage of an unguarded moment when “Billy was left alone”. Into the GI can he went mangled beyond salvage. Whole lot of uproar over Bill’s demise but apparently more than a few were of similar mind and our DJ quickly moved on to other recreation. Or was it a case of “what happens in the squad bay, stays in the squad bay”.
    “Pepe” and I made it together through boot camp with multiple stops along the way before arriving in Da Nang. There we lost touch via a simple odd-even selection process on the tarmac that sent us to 1st or 3rd Division.

  2. Bitch deserved to die

  3. Some fuck couldn't get enough of "Browneyed Girl" when I was doing welding school for the SeaBees in 67 or so.
    And then one day it all stopped


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