
Monday, March 22, 2021

Ex-officer on trial for deadly arrest asks to show jury an earlier George Floyd arrest

(Reuters) - About a year before George Floyd was killed in a deadly arrest by Minneapolis police officers last May, he had a different encounter with police in which he also became distressed as an officer pointed a gun at him and ordered him out of a car. 

On Tuesday, a lawyer for Derek Chauvin, the former Minneapolis police officer on trial for murder charges for Floyd's death, asked the judge to allow the jury, which is still being selected, to see evidence of the earlier episode. 

In the May 6, 2019 arrest, a panicked Floyd swallowed several opioid pain-killer pills as police approached and was later treated at a hospital. Eric Nelson, Chauvin's lead lawyer, has argued that the main cause of Floyd's death a year later, which was ruled a homicide, was the opioid fentanyl found in his blood at autopsy.


  1. All this for a drugged criminal. Meanwhile also in Minnesota, an unarmed woman who called the police was shot by a cop from the passenger seat as she was standing ooutide the drivers window talking to that cop. Cop was imported from somalia. Took a long time to even arrest that fuck. Don't know what has happened to him or even if a trail has happened yet.

    1. Guy went to trial and is doing time in MN now. It was a judicial and MPLS PD mess all around.

    2. He's not free yet, but they're working on it.

    3. He was convicted on charges of third-degree murder and manslaughter and sentenced to 12 and a half years in prison. His first appeal failed, but his attorney is still trying to get him off.

      Black officer shoots from passenger seat of patrol car across the driver white woman who had called police: police cover for him and it takes almost nine months for charges to be filed.

      White officer attempts to take black repeat offender into custody who dies at the scene of a drug overdose and the officer is immediately labeled a murderer and treated as such.

    4. Not only immediately fired and labeled a murderer, but every officer there was fired and faced charges immediately.

      It's a big club and we ain't in it.

  2. I'm sure the Somalian and his driver had a long talk afterwards.

  3. Floyd was arrested after committing a felony (counterfeiting). Before the knee incident when he was in the back of the cruiser he was saying "I can't breathe" which was due to the drugs in his system. It's a miscarriage of justice if this cop is convicted of ANYTHING...he was following his training, which includes using one's knee to subdue a violent arrestee.

  4. "which was ruled a homicide"

    Really? Isn't that the whole reason for the trial?

    Although I don't understand why there needs to be a trial when the autopsy report says "Floyd died of fentanyl intoxication".

  5. An innocent verdict will bring on the rioting and burning and possibly death threats for the jurors. Stay tuned.

    1. Yep.
      Unless the "correct" verdict is handed down, the jurors ... who the press will make their names, addresses, employers, pictures, families faces public, will ensure that those folks are too afraid to NOT convict the cop regardless of any evidence provided.
      The press will make them fear for their lives and rioters will act on what the press gives them.

  6. Here is my like it or, not viewpoint on this.
    The media sensationalized it so, even if floyd would have visibly killed himself, it would all still be portrayed as a cop murdering an innocent cuffed man.

    Even if the cop has rock solid evidence that floyd did NOT die from a knee on his neck the jury will still vote to convict him for it because they know they will become targets for violence by rioters and, murderers as well as the press who will certainly make their names, addresses, pictures and, their family public and, into targets too unless the "correct" verdict is announced.
    I'm guessing that unless that guy is found guilty and immediately shot behind the courthouse, there will be riots again.
    And if the guy is found guilty and, shot beind the courthouse... there will be riots anyways.
    Armchair QB / off

  7. Let's not forget that the city already paid the Floyd family over $25 million


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