
Monday, March 22, 2021

Orange Man Bad

Biden regime press secretary Jen Psaki blamed President Donald Trump’s rhetoric for the increase in hate crimes directed against Asian Americans the day after a man shot and killed two people of white descent and six of Asian descent at a series of massage parlors in Atlanta. Police have not determined the attacks to be a hate crime, and say the suspect confessed and blamed a sex addiction.


  1. Orange man is simply a con man. Has been for 50 years, nothing new.

    Never forget, the swamp drainer in chief did not pardon Snowden. The same Snowden who did more to expose the deep state than anyone, ever. If you are honest, you have to ask why?

    But trump pardoned a couple of rappers on his last day. He is, was and always be a complete phony.

    1. notice the "unknown". Another chickenshit leftist pinhead

    2. Snowden is now embarking on a rap career in case Trump gets re elected.

    3. Different 'Unknown' than the original commentor.
      I'm anonymous because my opinions are my own and I don't need some butt-hurt Democrat or Republican snooping me online when I bid on jobs.

      But yeah, Trump was a liar. And he had a bunch of cult followers who couldn't think for themselves.

      Who was worse for gun control, Trump or Obama?

      If your knee-jerk reaction is "Obama", then you're an idiot.
      Obama actually loosened gun restrictions on federal forest land to match whatever restrictions were imposed in the state--no more making sure you didn't cross some imaginary line on a map and might get arrested...

      But Trump? Banned bumpstocks. What part of "shall not be infringed" did he not understand? Gonna give him a free pass because he deported illegals? Or because he shot his mouth off and pissed off Democrats? If so, you're the reason this country sucks.

      Vote for someone who will uphold and defend the Constitution of the united States of America against ALL enemies--both foreign and domestic. Vote for someone who will *protect* your individual rights instead of just "violating them less than the other dude".

    4. You were doing great until you said vote. Yes trump did not declassify anything. My gut has been telling me they got to him mentioning his family, Jarrod would have been okay.

    5. Any "Reasoning" that Trump was responsible for any of this while the godless hammered him with lies & bullshit legal cases endlessly through his entire term is someone who needs his faulty thinking examined.

  2. What is it with lefties?

    They always have to BLAME SOMEONE for things that happen on their watch. Usually blaming someone that had NOTHING to do with the incident.

    PHUCKING SICK of these people...

  3. I would blame black violence caused this, for 5 years the media downplayed "polar bear" hunting, Jews and Asians getting sucker punched. But one Caucasian nutjob shoots up couple of businesses and oh my god, white supremest, and don't forget gun control. I would lay this squarely on the lying pandering anti-American subversive media.

  4. Trump is reposnsible for everything bad that happens everywhere. Just ask any anon moron.

    1. Whereas Slow Joe is praised for everything good that's happened in the last five years.

  5. Today's word is "bishop".

    As in, "would somebody please shut this bishop?"

    1. You mean: Mexican Word of the Day.

  6. {sigh}
    The leftists seem to have some ginormous crush on OrangeMan. I have not heard someone go on and on about someone else like this since freaking high-school. It's kind of silly, actually.
    I wish they'd just admit the fact they are head-over-heels in love with Trump and be done with it.
    -Just A Chemist.

    1. I think they just wish that they could suck him off, and get a taste of alpha male.

    2. You noticed that too. I think Pelosi has a yuuge crush on Orange Man. Just watch her.

  7. Correct me if I'm wrong, but if you have a sex addiction, why the fuck would you kill the people who will fuck you whenever you want?

    1. Sex addiction coupled with lack of money is a terrible thing.

  8. Anon 11:58: agree. And, when he won't "go out with" them, they go all " bitch has the clap, anyways!" on him.

    You're eeriely correct in portraying the left's positions/statements, even if the underlying theory is....odd.

    Still, if you can produce probably predictions from a hypotheses, you are doing SCIENCE!(tm)


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