
Tuesday, March 16, 2021

George Floyd's family reaches $27M settlement with Minneapolis

The city of Minneapolis has settled a lawsuit with the family of George Floyd for $27 million, attorneys for Floyd’s family said Friday. The settlement comes almost a year after Floyd died in police custody, an event that ignited a summer of protests against police brutality. 


  1. If that doesn't taint the Jury Pool I don't know what will.

    How don't they have a change in venue in this case?


    De Oppresso Liber

    1. I was going to post something similar. I don't think Chauvin can get a "fair trial" anywhere in the country anyway. He'll walk, either on a technicality or because the DA will screw up. Then watch "the fun" begin, again, not that "the fun" has ever really gone away. The warmer weather coming will bring the crazies back out of hibernation.


    2. "He'll walk, either on a technicality or because the DA will screw up."

      They'll just try him on other charges until they get the correct verdict.

  2. This so so incredibly wrong and ignorant.

  3. That's one hell of a stimulus. It'll likely be gone in less than a year unless the lawyers put it in a trust or something along those lines

    1. I'm sure that the lawyers will put their $9M to $14M payout into a trust. Who knows, maybe they'll advise their clients to do the same (for a small fee).

    2. Crack and Caddies for everyone !

    3. The reserve near me got 35k pay outs for historical wrongs. Now only people who had been forced into school prior to 1975 got the 35k. If that person was dead it was split between all their kids or grandkids.

      Friend who worked at the local bank said 90% of it was gone in a week. The liquir store had a semi arriving twice a day for a week then back down to 1 a week again.

      The GF payout will be squabbled over by every parebt, sibling, ex-lover and childhood friend for years. Most will end up eaten up by lawyer fees and what does go to family will be blown in a month tops.


  4. This insurance to prevent the Baboon rampage when Chauvin's trial is over is futile. You can bet even if he gets the death penalty the Jigs will still light up the Ville.

  5. Pretty rare to cash in a multimillion dollar lottery ticket that someone else paid for.

  6. Hmmm. Now if I can only get an officer to tackle me or something as I overdose, my family can get a nice payout. Well, maybe if I was a different race they could.

  7. Minneapolis, a collection of thousands of idiots. A micro view of the idiocracy of collective suicide by and various blue states. Not my circus, not my monkeys, but it will become my problem. YMMV.

  8. Brings to mind a South Park episode about how everyone loses with these sort of "awards ".

  9. That’ll buy a lot of gold teeth and sneakers.

  10. "Become a meth addict and a criminal and your family will get rich".
    The important question though for his family is "will we still get our welfare checks".

  11. They won't live long enough to spend it all. Like giving a monkey a straight razor or some such. Ohio Guy

  12. Worthless fucking druggie dies of an overdose while stupid white cop decides to be an gets 27 million....brilliant....

    1. The taxpayers can always take one more for the team....

    2. If it hadn't been Floyd and Chauvin, it would have been a similar cast somewhere else. AntiFa and BLM had to get the war started and Floyd looked to be their best prospect.

  13. In his honor they should buy a lethal dose of fentanyl for all his friends and family.

  14. That poor city is gonna burn this summer.

    1. I'd say that is an almost 100% certainty, regardless of the out come of the trial. One thing IS a 100% certainty, that being me moving out of Minneapolis and likely out of the State when I retire in a couple of years. Some people in my neighborhood still have their Biden for president yards signs up, in addition to the "Justice for George Floyd and BLM.

  15. The city could have successfully fought this as he died from an overdose. Just another virtue signaling payoff.

  16. All this given by taxpayers to a guy who was being rousted for passing funny money. Such a hero!

  17. It's sure easy to spend other people's (taxpayer) money.

  18. I agree with the majority here, the payout will kill off most of what's left of GF family.

  19. That's gonna buy a lot of Fentanyl

  20. @luis I want a junkie uncle.March 16, 2021 at 11:33 PM

    Damn, why can't i get a relative like that? some people are just lucky.


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