
Thursday, March 18, 2021

Here it comes.....

President Joe Biden is considering a tax hike to underwrite the economic program launched by the approval of his $1.9 trillion pandemic stimulus package, a Monday report by Bloomberg claims. The tax jump will be the first major lift in federal taxes in almost 30 years if successful.


  1. Replies
    1. Nobody that wasn't awake in 2009.

      Biden plagiarizing Obama again.

    2. Rickn8or, it isn't called plagiarism when it was planned and ordered by obummer himdamnself in the first place.

      To review, Kamala and Jill run Joe, Susan runs Kamala and Jill, Barry runs Susan, George runs Barry, and the oligarchs run George.

  2. Can't tax what they don't know about

    1. Cash is king baby......thats why they want to get rid of it.

  3. Here in reality land, cutting taxes has a proven track record of returning clapped out economies to prosperity. Raising taxes has a proven track record of putting clapped out economies even further down the toilet. So why is the answer always the opposite one to the one that works? Are these people stupid or malevolent, or possibly both?

    1. They are both, and they intend to plunder this country.

    2. It's already been plundered - now they're just salting the earth. Uppity peasants earned themselves a Carthaginian peace by supporting Orange Man Bad.

    3. Taxing us to death or printing money until it is worth less then toilet paper - it makes no difference. Either method is unsustainable. And yes, they are evil.

  4. Can't tax what no one is earning.

    1. Reminds me of an animated Garfield cartoon where they're spoofing Robin Hood and the sheriff is doing a little ditty on taxing everything from food to breathing air. The final line was something like "just to prove I'm not being lax, I'll charge a tax on paying tax!".

    2. The IRS already charges a tax on paying taxes. Financial planners call it the Goldilocks rules, unreasonable penalties for ridiculous mistakes, unless it's all done "just right".

    3. "I'll charge a tax on paying tax!"

      We actually have that in the UK. On road fuel you pay fuel duty and Value Added Tax. They put on the fuel duty first and then calculate the VAT on the whole amount. So you are paying tax on the fuel duty.

  5. A little explanation here: Each extra dollar in taxes received will be spent ten times, which will require taxes to be raised. Again.

  6. He told us he would during his alleged “campaign”.

  7. Typo - should read "President Harris" as fake president Biden said 3 times.
    How long before the USA rises up (with the police too) like Spain against the tyranny?

  8. It is sad that the Dems do not understand simple economics. Raise taxes, production goes off-shore which equals less revenue bot in personal income and corporate tax. Side effect of increased inflation making the dollar worth less. Lower taxes, more people working and higher production in the US resulting in more taxes collected and a stronger dollar. Simple fact.

    Stupid is as stupid does.

    1. The leadership among them understands, they just don't care.

  9. He's only taxing the rich people, that never affects us poor folks does it?

  10. I tried to do my taxes on TurboTax today. When I was nearly done, TurboTax said Congress (the Democrats) literally changed the rules after the game started. Taxes affecting Obamacare and Unemployment Insurance were changed. There's some other stuff, too. I could either finish filing now and amend the return later, or I could save and quit, and they will notify me when Intuit has changed TurboTax to handle the tax changes.


  11. y'all forget, it will only be the LITTLE PEOPLE paying the increased taxes, anyone "earning" over 250K per year will not get their, (recently reduced,) taxes raised.

  12. This is how ridiculous we have become. This can't end well.

    "Did you know 57% of all Federal Gov’t spending over the last 12 months was unfunded, i.e. deficit spending? Well, it’s true. And that percentage is growing quickly. On the current trajectory it could be 80% in 5 years. Why not make it 100% and be done with taxes altogether?"

    Source: Jeff Gundlach

  13. But.........the demoncRATs are only doing whats fair.


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