
Friday, March 12, 2021

I Don't Want To Write This Post

I got this post in my head, fully written. And I don’t want to type it, because typing it in makes it real. 

I do not know where it came from, except perhaps from the fact that over this last year here and on various private groups I’ve seen a lot of you surface. Because you were in one of those marriages where you always cancelled each other’s votes. And it didn’t matter. Because you still agreed on all the important things. Or sometimes, it wasn’t a marriage, but your kids, or your parents. Or your best friend. Or your sibling. As long as you didn’t discuss politics, you pretty much got along great. And if the other person insisted on discussing politics, you could deflect. And then you laughed about it, and went on. 

Over the last year, apparently, this has been breaking down.
-The Old Man


  1. I read it the other day when she posted it. Its been 20 years since I married my wife, i am so she's conservative like me. I have a conservative friend who got a raving lib pregnant. Now they are married and I have no doubt she would send him to a camp in a heart beat. She's an alcoholic and lazy he works a day job that they should be able to live on and then the night shift at a donut place to cover he alcohol expenses.


  2. Wife was pretty apolitical when we met and married. Two sons and ten years later, and she's solidly conservative.

  3. I have a stepdaughter who is a flaming lib, trans-godknowswhat and has convinced herself that anyone who thinks differently than her is automatically oppressing or offending her. She just made the announcement that she is moving several states away to be with another trans-something. I love my kids and step-kids, but I am breathing a small sigh of relief. Every time we see her she brings up politics, trans stuff, and just about every other liberal agenda item just to piss us off. We never start it. And when we attempt to steer the conversation away from those things she acts like we just slapped her. It's sad. We did not raise her to be this way, but she has told us in the past that we 'abused' her by being straight, Christian, white and requiring her to pass high school. Of course, everyone else in the family (including her bio-dad and stepmother) told her she was wrong. Her response was to not talk to anyone for a few months, at least until she wanted or needed something.

    I guess my point is, I understand the author's situation. I also think it is working this way on both sides. Liberals want to associate with fellow liberals and are disconnecting from the people and family they disagree with. Again, sad, but I can see that it's almost becoming necessary. I have worked very hard to keep a good part of our preparations and finances private because I know that my stepdaughter would rat on us in a heartbeat if she thought there was something in it for her, and possibly just out of spite. I hate being in this position. I did not create it, but I am having to deal with it.

    Deplorable JC

    1. The day is coming when your step will be judged by others and she will suffer the consequences of her madness. We cannot live peacefully in Our country with the fear of a cancerous political belief. Communists will all have to die. Or be deported to Uganda or somewhere they will never find their way out of. You will get your grand kids, raise them right.

  4. Both my sisters would give my name and address to the Antifa hit teams in second. Since at one time I gave both of them keys, I've had all the locks changed.
    Those friends I had that were liberal I no longer see.
    I've stopped posting on my blog since I'm expecting those with small conservative blogs to be targeted at some point.
    I give it six to twelve months. Then it goes hot.
    God help us.

  5. Fuck it. You can only die once. I'd like to have a quiet senior life, hanging out with family and friends, enjoying the activities that I find rewarding. But, we're not going to have that. So when the time comes, and it's a choice between quietly submitting to the cattle cars and "shower chambers" or going out hard, take some with you. Embrace the suck, find the joy of battle, and die like a man.

    1. It doesn't have to be going out Hard. Start doing your intel. Find out where every commie in your AO lives and works. Make a list. Start with the easy ones. Be patient. If you must start at a distance, practice your aim. Do that with pellet guns to save your ammo.
      Learn the habits of your targets. People are so methodical, if you can watch them for a week, you will pretty much know everything about their life. Plenty of info on the web

  6. I have a hobby -- I visit elderly shut-ins.

    We agree to not discuss politics... but occasionally, some goofball thinks she can cure my lifetime of experience working all over this particular planet.

    She thinks I could learn to love BOLSHEVICS if I only knew 'the truth'.

    I am pretty good at instantly flashing my 'war face'.
    My 'war face' comes out to play if she disregards my 'battle face'.

    I trained with exemplary Martial Artists... that 'avoid the fight to win the fight' spiritual stability rigamarol.
    Accordingly, I am pretty good at 'shooting energy' to enforce my boundaries.

    I participated in air-cop school in the 1970s, then participated in dog-handler school... then went back as an instructor.
    I can stop a charging trained attack-dog with one glare (not every time, but mostly).

    Over tea and snacks at the supper table, imagine my impact on some insufferable snowflake if she violates our no-politics agreement.


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