
Thursday, March 18, 2021

It’s time for Red States to start nullifying federal law

As we all know, the last election was a “tipping point” election on many different levels. An election won with the use of illegal last-minute changes to state election laws has led to a rogue regime that threatens the very foundations of America. This is being achieved through highly questionable executive orders, the decimation of the concept of national sovereignty and an attack on fossil fuels, the lifeblood of our economy. Moreover, Biden is converting our military into a social justice agency and transforming our intelligence services into witch-hunters for conservatives who dared to protest a stolen election. 


  1. This will not work it is going to take city's than country action. We need to take back local government first and as it speads we will have to build local channels that are not tyed to the internet. This is a war of inches not miles.

    1. Absolutely correct.
      One need only look at 'Red' state Texas with it's 'blue' cities like Austin, Houston, El Paso, San Antonio & Dallas to realize that's where all the bullshit comes from, and that's where it needs to be choked off.
      Crowds of illegals flowing over the border & assistance by democrats in spreading across the country ain't gonna help, either.

  2. Unless nullifying Federal laws requires state LEO and prosecutors to arrest, try and imprison Federal employees for enforcing Federal laws in that state the effort is a pointless waste of time. And any such laws will be declared null and void by black robed Federal pirates. Without actual secession states really have ZERO powers to control what the Feds do.

    1. Best we can hope for is barring the use of state, county or city resources to assist the Federales in enforcing Federal laws.

      Tennessee has a 2nd Amendment Sanctuary State bill pending (SB 1335 / HB 0928), but these are the same chickenshits that have been shooting down Constitutional Carry and other good gun laws in committee for the last twelve years.

  3. It's beyond time - it won't work, and they won't seriously try it (well, not absent a major economic collapse or something that leaves the Feds neutered), but otherwise, yeah.

  4. Any effort to mobilize against the feds is mute in today's world....they know it, and the effort to take away the guns is only to prevent the possible downing of one of the miscreants in DC....I give you the tolerance of the destruction of America's cities by BLM and Antifa, versus the reaction to the minor violence in DC....


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