
Thursday, March 18, 2021

Stay or go? Fence, Guard pose Capitol security questions

WASHINGTON — Nobody, it seems, wants to keep the security fence around the U.S. Capitol anymore — except the police who fought off the horrific attack on Jan. 6. 

Lawmakers call the razor-topped fencing “ghastly,” too militarized and, with the armed National Guard troops still stationed at the Capitol since a pro-Trump mob laid siege, not at all representative of the world’s leading icon of democracy.


Now it's a horrific attack? I expect by next month it'll be upgraded to a massacre.


  1. Well, since the KY Guard is cutting orders for troops to be there until late May, get used to it.

  2. "...and with the rapidly increasing death toll approaching..."
    "...with newly uncovered sources indicating 'militia groups' implicit in the attempted cover-up..."
    "...according to spokes-models in the new administration speaking on conditions of anonymity..."
    "...terrified survivors describe their thoughts and prayers during their final moments..."

    The jokes write themselves!

  3. Steve in Oregon , still on the up side of the dirt.March 18, 2021 at 2:19 PM

    The horrific attack where the police opened and ushered in the tourists?

  4. Horrific attack. Right. She should be sent to Nigeria and placed in a Christian village near a Muslim area. We got your horrific attack right here, lady.

  5. Got a way with words don't she? Keep it up and no pissant little fence is going to help them. They keep pushing and sooner or later a Hamilton, Henry, Jones, or Adams WILL come forward with a call to the green.......and maybe a Nathanael Greene or several to lead.

    1. No, it ain't gonna happen. People will continue to be sheep led to the slaughter. This country is done.

  6. Genocide. Six million Congressmen were gassed.

    Too soon?

  7. The Jan. 6 riot was such a tragedy. Has the rubble of the buildings destroyed by the rioters stopped smoldering yet?

    Oops, my bad. The rioters didn't destroy the Capitol Building. It was last summer's peaceful protesters who left smoldering rubble where buildings used to stand.

  8. How hard could it be to use the fence to keep the problem locked inside? Gotta think outside the box, troop.


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