
Wednesday, March 24, 2021

Making Americans Your Enemies

The narrative is here, and it doesn’t like you very much. 

In recent remarks before members of the U.S. House Homeland Security Committee, the chief of the D.C. Homeland Security and Emergency Management Agency claimed that domestic extremism has become “part of the cultural mainstream.” 

Former DHS official and USA Today contributor Elizabeth Neumann agrees: “Far-Right Extremists went mainstream under Trump.”


  1. For clarity, read:

    Of course, you should be reading John Wilder anyway!

  2. Fuck a bunch of elizabeth newmann. She is a stinking far left extremist. A stinking hate-monger.

    1. Stopped reading when I saw "USA Today".

  3. Not being an American I try to avoid comments on your politics: we've got enough to cope with here. FFS. These pronouncements on extremism strike me as predictable, considering the government you got landed with. Hard left = good, anything else = bad - whodathunkit?.

  4. do they not understand english? the terms are mutually exclusive. you can't be both at the same time.

  5. If it is mainstream it isn't extreme. 🤷‍♂️

  6. It is so funny that they keep saying stuff like far-right extremism is bad, but they think far-left extremism is good? They just all have to be exterminated.

    1. I wonder if Orkin will take the job?

    2. Ya know? That is what they say about us. This is not a good thing no matter what side of the fence you're standing on.

  7. And here I thought that being "mainstream" meant you could not be extremist, either left or right. What was Webster thinking when he made the 1828, 1955, and 1979 Unabridged Editions with all 3 dictionaries agreeing on the definition of "extreme" ???

  8. This rhetoric is part of the coup. Make most Millennials believe white supremacists are the threat and it'll be easy to wipe out the III percenters and Proud Boys without a peep from the pajama boys and Karens.

  9. I would like to finish one article once in a while. I start reading stuff and after about a paragraph, say BULLSHIT an look for the comment section. 7/8's of the time they're AINT ONE! These people SUCK& spew BULLSHIT

  10. The trick(standard operating procedure)is to demonize your targeted bad guys until you can persecute, then kill them. It's not like we haven't seen this show a few well covered times the last 50 years. Our current "average" citizen is so dumbed down and de-historied that they are clueless. We won't be voting our way out of this. Now I'm a Main Stream Terrorist, because I'm an Old White Guy That Wants To Be Left ALONE!

  11. expecting politicians to honor their oath to the Constitution is RWE?
    Well, thanks, we'll keep that in mind.


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