
Friday, March 19, 2021

Only in California...

SACRAMENTO (CBS13) — A controversial bill in the state legislature would make some robberies a misdemeanor, not a felony. 

Senate Bill 82, authored by Senator Nancy Skinner (D-Berkeley), would turn robberies under $950 that don’t involve weapons or cause serious injuries into petty thefts.


  1. But please do not forget that when you defend yourself against a government approved thug you'll end up in prison, prisons kept empty just for YOU.

  2. Why are some states trying so hard to make the criminal class not criminals only by definition, while making the non-criminals into criminals?

  3. If I was in California and being robbed there is a good chance it would involve a weapon.

  4. So much for the "broken window" theory of law enforcement.

  5. So, just beat the victim up being careful not to break anything. Ya know, to help focus their attention and make it easier next time.

  6. These legislators are all gung-ho to increase crime until it happens to one of them. Why not just do away with all the laws but allow open carry at the same time?

  7. Let's all head over to Nancy Skinner's house and each steal $900 worth of crap out of her garage, shall we?


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