
Friday, March 19, 2021


1775 to 2019. Not a bad run. Anyone who knows me for more than about five minutes knows that I am a proud Marine. But my beloved Corps has died, replaced by a hollow shell of its former self. The II MEF Tucker Carlson debacle didn’t kill it; he only did battle with a zombie Corps(e) that had already died.


  1. The other branches aren't far behind. That fat POS Miley has the rest of them on a glide path, that was initiated by biden version 1.0.

    Last one out hit the lights!

    De Oppeesso Liber

  2. As a Marine I saw the same thing happen in early 70's as Marines and other services came back from Nam. Filled with 2yr draftees and hippy/ drugged out want a bees. Luckily in a few years the Marines cleaned house and squared away. Bush's 20 year war is doing the same. Except Officer's have become globalist after many tours and Obama cleaning house. Suspect the cream (NCOs) will rise and Marine Corp will rise again. Sooner than one thinks.

  3. I'm sure the soon-to-come People's Revolutionary Guards (or whatever jazzed-up moniker they get) will be fine replacements.

  4. If they are done can I have some of their weapons? Please? I think my tax dollars bought them? Would love me one of them Marine M-60 tanks.


    1. The USMC no longer has tanks. The most recent was the M1 Abrams, the M60 was probably gone by around The Great Patriotic CAX (AKA "Desert Storm"). My understanding, as flawed as it is, is that the Pentagon deemed them useless in a Pacific Theater.
      I will leave you to your own opinions on the matter. Personally, USMC in an expeditionary, amphibious mode (their claimed reason to exist) cannot "mass" armor. Tanks do best when employed en masse. Hope those guys are stacking high and deep with the Javelin ATGM.

    2. They deployed M60 tanks during Desert Storm. I was able to tell Army from Marine formations because the Army was using the M-1, and tbe crayon eaters were driving M-60 still.

  5. I could have been in the Marines, but they found out my parents were married when I was born.

  6. Berger is a POS and has ruined the Marine Corps. Having served in the Corp it breaks my heart to see it decline.

  7. As is well known, Clinton (both of them) had/have an intense hatred of the military. Obama did his part by firing patriotic generals and replacing them with people who look and think like Vidman. See the trend?


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