
Sunday, March 14, 2021

Sunday Video 4



  1. If that were New York, it would've taken 3 or 4 years.

  2. When did they have time for the Diversity and Inclusion seminars?

  3. And here that would take 6 to 9 months

  4. The problem around here is that a lot of projects like school construction are "cost plus" contracts. What you are watching here is obviously a "fixed price" contract with a motivation to get the rail running.

  5. and tell me anyone but Whites could create this AND actually do it.

    But we're bad and need to be exterminated for how bad we are.

    Yet they all gotta come to our lands for some reason though, despite how bad we are.

    Amazing achievement. Truly amazing.

    1. Not merely Caucasian folk, but a certain kind of Caucasian folk.

  6. Replacing the bridge in only 4 days is a pretty impressive job. I'd like to know more about how they fabricated and transported the new bridge structure.

  7. Watching this and you have to ask: "How come they lost the war"?

  8. Impressive. I wonder how long 19th century workers spent making the original.

  9. They're doing this in Florida, in Cocoa under the 528. Installing a 2 track tunnel only requiring partial closures as they jack 3 sections of tunnel.

    It's starting today. And there's YouTube videos dealing with the construction.

    One of them is The Roaming Railfan ( ) which also chronicles the construction of high speed rail in Florida.

  10. When road construction started on widening a street near my house TWO YEARS ago, it took more than four days to put up the traffic management signs.

    Oh the joys of cost-plus road-building contracts.

  11. In America they would spend a few months making sure all the right people were involved, then they would make sure there were the right number of women, gays, blacks, browns, and Transies in the work force mix. then then would spend a few months arguing over what to name it. Then in would take a year to complete. That is why America is fucked. China doesn't bother with the shit, they do the job. They will win in the end.

  12. No unions and no .gov mandated stupidity, like EEOC, is what gets it done.

  13. How long to plan and stage everything? I'd guess at least 6 months.


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