
Tuesday, March 02, 2021

That's gratitude for ya

More than a dozen Michigan National Guard troops deployed to Washington, D.C. have been sickened, with some hospitalized, after being served raw, undercooked meat and meals laced with metal shavings according to a report by WXYZ-TV reporter Brian Abel Monday evening. Other meals the troops have received courtesy of a contractor selected by the Democrat run D.C. government are leaving the troops malnourished. The problem with the undercooked food has being going for weeks but apparently yesterday’s meals were so bad they prompted a staff sergeant to contact the Detroit news station.


  1. I was just reading that news story, it's comes as no great surprise that the illegitimate Washington elite despise the little people even those mandated to protect their useless asses

  2. Sorry, we can't feed our nation's finest, we have 11,000,000 illegalx to take care of.

    1. More like 40. Yale study concluded 20, so I figure it's 40.

  3. They are going to screw around enough that they will have created an army of insurrectionists inside the wire.

  4. Almost like they're trying to provoke the troops to do something, so that they can be replaced by....???

  5. They should stick to the reliable and nutritious C-Rats. Ham & Motherfuckers never made me sick.

  6. The only nourishment they need is the glory of serving the State!
    - General Secretary Zhao Bai Den

  7. Another loyalty test?

  8. I find it very odd that there was not any mention of this “food contractor”, why not name them?

    1. Exactly. The word for this is "poisoning". If it has been going on for weeks, it's deliberate, and someone(s) at the contractor needs to go up on assault charges.
      AND someone of higher rank in the NG who MUST have heard about this, and sat on his/her/xer ass for weeks and did nothing about it, needs to be cashiered at the very least.

    2. "someone(s) at the contractor needs to go up on assault charges"

      Someone at the contractor needs to meet their maker - FIFY

  9. Officially “outrageous” and “unacceptable.” NGB “has engaged.” Senior leaders “will remain personally engaged” and “will push for accountability.”

    Where is the, “This is fucked, and I’m going to find out who was responsible and kick his, or her, ass on the Capitol parking lot.”

    Where is the: “I’m taking 10 soldiers to the responsible companies and we’re going to have a face-to-face discussion.”

    Where is the: “We’re going to serve the civilians the same meals. And they will eat them.”

    To congresspersons, NG and AD are dumb asses uniform who will do what they are told to do.

  10. No point in wasting good food on a bunch of white supremists

  11. I honestly don't understand why each state governor has not recovered their own NatGuard troops yet. These are in-state voters that are being put through this nonsense, right?. Texas ordered their troops home weeks ago.

  12. sue these bastards into oblivion.

  13. Not real smart when they are the ones guarding the gate and fence.

  14. So many people missing the point. The important thing here is that the contractor got paid so they can turn around and donate to approved politicians. Anything else is just a distraction and is dangerous to our national security.

  15. Question: Where were the officers and senior NCO's while all of this was going on? What we have here a huge failure of leadership with taking care of the troops. It was the duty of the Sargent Majors to put a boot up the ass of their officers, to motivate them to raise all holy hell until the troops under their command were properly feed. Then to continue to raise hell until some SOB got his head served on a plater. I am a retired Msg and old school. If your troops are cold and hungry you damn well better be cold and hungry too. Damn I am pissed off.

  16. Here's a solution for you. Let the National Guardsmen eat in the Congressional Cafeteria and make all the CON-gress critters eat the shit they are feeding these guys and watch how fast the problem gets fixed.

  17. Consider the following... IF there is no immediate corrective action from the top that ensures that the national Guard are fed nutritious, sanitary food that is not sabotaged (metal shavings in the food? REALLY?), it then can logically be deduced that this is exactly the intent of the system, not a "bug", but a feature - a humiliation ritual. How else can this be the case? I am open to alternative explanations, but the National Guard deserves decent food that will not sicken or hurt them. Will people get fired over this? I guess we have to wait and see. Otherwise, the rank and file will lose confidence in the support structures, contracts and leadership. We treat prisoners better than this.

  18. Well, here's a good way of determining which officers and senior NCOs to purge, and which to promote. The ones that raised holy hell trying to look out for their men? Purge them. The ones willing to fuck their men while licking elite asses in hopes of eagles (or even stars -- ooh, I feel giddy!) some day? Promote.


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