
Thursday, March 25, 2021

The Globular Girlboss G.I.

There’s nothing more entertaining in public life these days, especially with Trump in retirement, than Tucker Carlson’s quarterly incitement of leftoid vitriol online. This week it was middle-aged generals acting like middle-school girls, after Carlson suggested on air that perhaps pregnant women are not the ideal candidate for combat roles in the military. To respond, military leaders, in uniform, published selfies on Twitter citing Carlson’s lack of military experience, the supposed unseriousness of his profession in comparison, his age, and many more peripheral, arbitrary, and mostly untrue aspects of his character and tone: anything but the actual merits of his point.


  1. I have no problem with women serving in the military. I do have a problem with women serving in combat, because deep down, part of me thinks that women should be defended at all costs which is harder to do if they're on the front lines. Another part of me thinks that there are enough people on the planet that losing some in combat won't end the human race. Also, speaking as someone who didn't meet the physical requirements to get into the military after college, I don't think that the requirements should be relaxed to allow women (or me for that matter) to enter the military.

  2. A while back, I drove by my old Reserve Center in my home town in suburban Atlanta on a drill day. It was discouraging to say the least to see the Black, female, fat and or pregnant "soldier" in front of the formation. She was on the steps so she may have been an officer since in my day the NCO was at ground level and the Colonel was on the steps. This was back in the Gulf War days when Reservists complained that they had signed up for the bennies, not to be called up to fight.

  3. obamayomamma was VERY EFFECTIVE in weakening our military.

    Bunch 'a pussies...

    1. Hasn't been "our" military for a long, long time.

  4. To paraphrase a comment seen elsewhere:

    "When was the last time you bitches actually won a war?"

    We be screwed ...

  5. that pretty well mirrors the reaction when i told them that their plans weren't working while i was in the service.

  6. Pregnant women should not be in combat roles? To the re-education battalion with you!

    1. Enemy soldier gets two killed for the price of one...

    2. Democrats just LOVE it when unborn babies die.

  7. The military was never intended to be an equal opportunity employer.

    1. That is why it is considered racist, sexist, ableist, fill-in-the-blank-ist and has to be torn down and reformed.
      - The Left

  8. He, that reminds me of my time in the Air Force.
    I am german and was a soldier of the FKG 2 (armed with Pershing 1A missiles) and the nuclear warheads were under control of the US Army 85th Field Artillery Detachment.
    One day we were for a few days in the field and for the female US soldiers they had a toilet (At that time there were no german female soldiers, only nurses). Yes, we males didnt need one according to the bosses, but the females got one. And I had a first class view of it.
    So, out of the toilet comes this well endowed female US officer with a .45 on one hip and the NBC equipment on the other. She tried to get her trousers up over the bulge of her hips but she was not strong enough. So she jumped up and down. (Yes you perverts - well endowed and nice to look at!) Finally she got her trousers high enough and left.
    Gues what happened the next days? Right, whenever one of the females went to the toilet I had a lot of company just being in the vicinity - if you catch my drift.
    Alex Lund

  9. 20 years in the Navy and in all that time the number of female sailors I personally met that could do their jobs as well as their male counterparts could be counted with two hands, and I would still have fingers left over. I’ll never forget what I was told by an old CE2 at my first command: “All women in the Navy should be attached to MWR, so you can check one out when you need her.”

  10. Barefoot, pregnant naked and in the kitchen making me a damn sammiche. Bring a beer to sweetie.

    Thats where wimnez belong, not in the fookin military. I spent 32 years in the Cavalry, there is NO place in the military for wimnez. None can do the job, all of the JOB, NONE!!!!!

    Saber 7

  11. I met my wife in the service. I think she weighed 96 pounds when we met. She was a missile maintenance targeting officer. The box weighed ~75-80 pounds and had an airman assisting lowering it into the hole and bringing it back out. Messed up her back. Got transferred to the Public Affairs office.

  12. In the military, when your life depends on it, women will get you killed.


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