
Friday, March 19, 2021

This will never happen in my lifetime as slow as my State gov't is

NASHVILLE, Tenn. (WATE) – A medical marijuana bill making its way through the Tennessee General Assembly will go before the senate health and welfare committee on Wednesday. 

If passed, the bill would request the Tennessee Department of Health to perform a study on medical marijuana licensing and regulations in neighboring states and report those findings to the general assembly’s health committees by December 15 of this year.


  1. I got a permit. It says I can do whatever the fuck I want.

  2. Marijuana is not necessarily a good thing, as far as the state is concerned. In Michigan, we have had medical weed for a long time. Basically, you go to the local Days Inn, pay the people a hundred bucks, they set up a Zoom with a doctor and he says, yes, you are qualified, and boom, you send in your paperwork to the state, and you got your card. The cost was about 200$ total, but it lasted for several years, I think. I tried it two different times, for chronic migraines, but never had any success, and have not touched it again.
    A few years ago, the potheads decided we needed recreational marijuana. So the got it on the ballot, which brought out the Democrats in droves to vote it in. No big deal, except for the fact that they also voted for the Empress in Lansing, Gretchen Whitless.
    Meanwhile, the BATFE was watching. Used to be, to buy a gun from my FFL, I just had to show my CCW, and they took the numbers from that, and no background check, since I had already passed one for the CCW. But since Michigan is now a recreational marijuana state, the BATFE decided that us potheads that make up the state can no longer be trusted, and must be run through the background check like anyone else.
    I haven't bought a new firearm since they decided this new interpretation of the rules, but it doesn't make much difference, because any more purchases I make will most likely be made from private persons. Screw the government and their BS.

    1. While I agree that marijuana does help with some (emphasis on some) pain and does have some medical benefits, it's not the wonder drug that everybody would want you to believe. Headaches, for instance - if I smoked weed with a headache the pain would actually intensify greatly. Actually, it was like that with most pain I experienced.

    2. Same here. Worsens headaches big time. About the only real help I'm pretty sure it can be is to restore appetite to chemo patients, and lessen pressure in glaucoma. I believe the parents who say it slows or stops seizures in their children and greatly relieved the CBD form works as well.

      But seriously, man, the headache thing is ludicrous. Thought I was going to die.

    3. With all due respect- I want to share a little perspective.

      The benefits of cannabis are irrefutable. All drugs have limitations, indications and associated doses and delivery methods (ex smoke or eat or suppository, FECO oil or herb, topical or ingested..)

      Cannabis is used so many ways - to help cancer patients with debilitating pain and nausea so they can eat + improved quality of life - to literally saving people - especially babies - from grand mal seizures and MS patients get control of their tremors, also debilitating.

      It is one of the natural remedies the Good Lord gave us, like aspirin that comes from tree bark.

      A suggestion to anyone considering using cannabis; Join a group that is knowledgeable. May not be the solution for you. I know I have not read or seen a lot of migraine success cases, mostly cancer and seizures related but also working well in many other areas like PTSD.

      Again, it is not for everyone. No drug is.

      I'm also confused how legalizing cannabis = changing background checks when you have your CCW. That seems illogical.

      I'm sorry you suffer migraines, they are in a league of their own, shutting folks down. God bless.

  3. Regardless of the specific bill, slow is generally a good thing. Most of the damage to society comes from government action. Relatively little damage usually results from government inaction, at any level. Some exceptions of course, but not very many.

  4. Always seemed to help with my aches and pains after a rugby match, 20 years worth. Never left me feeling like shit or wondering what I did the next day like alcohol usually/mostly did.

    If it works for you, for whatever you need/want it for, great, but no one is forcing anyone to use it. Used to be what made this country so great, the individual gets to decide for his or herself, as long as it's not picking someone's pocket or breaking their leg (hat tip to T. Jefferson).

  5. The problems come hwen you're driving stoned, and that a-hole texts you....

  6. I'll take their marijuana laws seriously when they start prohibiting Chronic drunks from having firearms.
    Sick of tyrants and their restrictions that benefit no one but tyrants.


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