
Monday, March 08, 2021

‘War Criminal’ Deported as U.S. ‘War on Guns’ Criminals Continue to Evade Justice

U.S.A. – -( “U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) Enforcement and Removal Operations (ERO) removed a 95-year-old former Nazi concentration camp guard to Germany,” a Sunday ICE press release reported. “Friedrich Karl Berger, a German citizen, participated in Nazi-sponsored persecution while serving in 1945 as an armed guard of concentration camp prisoners in the Neuengamme Concentration Camp system (Neuengamme).”


  1. Sad. Frau Nanzi should have kept him as consultant for her planned deplorable camps. Or maybe she already did but then decided to kick him out anyway.

  2. He was a teen during the war.

    1. So was Soros, and he openly acknowledged being a Jew hunter. Let's deport him to Israel.

  3. So did the South. The victor isn't always right.
    We fought on the same side as the communists in WWII and helped Stalin to retain power. No matter what you have been told, I believe that we fought the wrong people. And yes I know that Hitler declared war on the U S.

    1. Hitler didn't want the US in the war. He was taking money, guns and ammo from H>W> Bush's daddy for one. And he knew once America got into the war, we would out produce all kinds of war machinery, food and manpower, more than Germany could even dream to produce.

    2. We should have supported the Brits, and the Poles, and maybe the French. But not one gun, tank, dollar, drop of food, anything for the Soviets.

      We should have let the international socialists and national socialists fight it out alone on the Eastern Front.

    3. Mr. Anon: Your statement caused me to blow snot all over my screen. Do you have one of those photos of GHW Bush with his half brother Otto Skorzany?

    4. Sometimes I wonder what the world would have looked like if Germany won. I'm not convinced it would have been a bad world and if there is one thing the man did right is that he fought first and foremost of the German people. I wish our spineless leaders would do the same and actually fight for us as a people, rather than try to dilute us out of existence with diversity.

      The architectural designs by Albert Speer were intended to be very efficient and streamlined for a future Germany. The people were ahead of the times in terms of engineering, part of why we brought around 1,600 rocket scientists back to the USA under operation paperclip.

      Unfortunately, this is a time so muddied up with propaganda, and half truths written by the victors that the actual truth will unlikely ever be known to us until after this earth is burned up and renewed. 2,000,000+ ethnic Germans killed after the war was over, Jewish assassination teams went around murdering people after the war was over, many Europeans purged ethnic Germans after the war was over; people who had nothing to do with the war. Now, they can't even leave a 95 year old man alone who served his country in a different era. This just in, the war is OVER and has been over for nearly a century now, but one little country in the middle east just won't let it go.


    5. I agree, we should have fought to crush communism. The victors get to write history. Do your research, dig really deep, read what you never have read before. No more brother wars. Hybo

  4. And our do and know nothing congress critters keep on keeping on. They wonder why the crowd was looking for them during the so called riot. Perhaps hanging a bunch of them from lamp posts would be just the ticket for a decent government to come alive again.

  5. Sad. As an aside, Gen. Patton wanted to step on Stalin after the fall of Germany but TPTB did not want the death circus of Stalin to stop so... One of our greatest generals had an "accident". Ohio Guy


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