
Monday, March 29, 2021

We Should Start Planning for a “Permanent Pandemic”

Bloomberg has published an op-ed titled “We Must Start Planning For a Permanent Pandemic.” It was written by Andreas Kluth, and he claims we may never “go back to normal.” 

Kluth tries justifying this claim by saying that the SARS-CoV-2 virus mutates so much that we may never attain herd immunity.


  1. Holy mother fuck a duck.
    It's official. The Cap'n aint' driving the ship anymore. The lunatics took over the ward. They slipped this little gem down over the weekend up north....

    I can't speak German worth shit. By my translator tells me:
    "Wo sind deine Papiere bitte?"

    I'm glad my father didn't live long enough to see this shit, because it's time to nuke the whole fucker from orbit.

  2. Pretty sure this has happened before. We call it 'the flu' now.

    "What’s even more remarkable about the 1918 flu, say infectious disease experts, is that it never really went away. After infecting an estimated 500 million people worldwide in 1918 and 1919 (a third of the global population), the H1N1 strain that caused the Spanish flu receded into the background and stuck around as the regular seasonal flu."

    1. According to Falsi Faucci hiself, most of the people died from bacterial infection brought on by wearing *gasp* mandatory masks.

  3. ...and look at our bumbling president.

    Could history repeat itself? It took and aging Hindenburg, then the Reichstag fire, to VOTE dictatorial powers to Hitler. All the early measures were to save the Germans from themselves...papers (Covid Passports) to travel or work; register all firearms for the safety of the children; turn in all the bad firearms; certain people (unvaccinated?); may not own property or business and may only work in certain jobs; all the property of the "others" should be given to the historically downtrodden; the "others" (unvaccinated, conservative, unarmed,etc) are now only allowed to live in certain areas or they will be housed in a secure location for their own safety; the "others" are too bad to have around or re-educate...burn them. "For the safety of us all"--Local SS Recruiting Poster

    ...scary times.

  4. It's interesting how comparisons to SS/Nazis pop out when the SS/Nazis were opposed to the people doing this, but were insufficiently brutal and overly idealistic, which is why they lost.

    Good thing the US fought for the globalists/Marxists instead of the nationalist Germans /sarc.

    1. That not only isn't true Tom, it isn't even an intelligent thing to say. Putting Godwin's Law aside, 1. it isn't interesting how they "pop out" because the comparison is apt in describing how propaganda spreads, 2. the SS/Nazis were not opposed, they WERE the people doing this, 3. you are lying about who is doing this without basis, and the evidence is entirely against you, 4. they were not insufficiently brutal by any measure of brutality, 5. they were not idealistic on any level at all, not even on the basic level of nationalism, since their actions harmed their own people with ethnic Germans bombed and starved, 6. all of which has nothing do to with why they lost, a combination of insane leaders overextended supply lines and fighting on too many fronts at once, 7. so that you are simply gaslighting the issues, 8. since the US didn't fight for the globalists or for the Marxists but primarily for our British cousins, 9. also noting that nationalism generally means staying within your own damn borders and defending them, not taking over a continent, 10. and nationalism also has no relation to genocide, which was one of their stated aims, 11. not to mention that you're not being sarcastic at all but merely an idiot. Maybe you'll grow out of it someday.

    2. NAZI means national socialists. The emphasis is on the socialism, nationalism is only the path. In other words globalists/Marxists.

      The only difference between communists, socialists, fascists, nazis and all of the other Marxists is how they reach the same goal.

    3. As I understand you...

      National Socialists vs global socialists

      Is that about it?

    4. Marge, not sure if you're talking to me or to Tom. But either way I think the answer is no.

      If you ask me, I'd say a socialist is a socialist, since all leftists are taking slightly different paths towards the same totalitarian end goal.
      I also dont think nationalists (patriots) and national socialists (leftists) have anything at all in common.
      (In that vein, I'd similarly say that white nationalists are conservatives and white supremacists are almost always leftists.)

      I obviously can't speak for Tom, and I obviously disagree with his views, but based on his other comments elsewhere, I had understood him to be equating globalists and Marxists as two sides of the same group.

  5. TPTB have seen what they can do with a fearful populace. Just another tool in their toolbox. Look at the CDC director today, on camera, fearmongering and cranking up the gaslight.

    'Never let a crisis go to waste'

    - R. Emmanuel, (Democrat)

  6. Gordon (other Gordon)March 29, 2021 at 5:40 PM

    We can debate the politics of this all day long and into the night. But, in the end it won't make a whole lot of difference. When it comes to me it means be financially stable, stock up on necessities, and be ready for when the SHTF (or even a slow decline).

  7. This guy reads too much Stephen King (The Stand, shifting anti-gen flu(

  8. The criminals in power created the Plannedemic to seize MORE power. They have seen how the vast majority of sheep have gone along quietly with their abuses. So they fully intend to expand their grasp on power and make it permanent. If we don't start killing these twinkletoed cocksucking bastards NOW and in LARGE QUANTITIES freedom will be gone...forever.

  9. The plandemic became permanent when we let them extend the first "30 days to flatten the curve".


  10. The centurion effect is probably not to far behind.


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