
Thursday, March 11, 2021

Woke Mil - The Influence of SJW Commissars Upon History

On paper, the US still has by far the world’s strongest military. This is the case whether or not you measure it by military spending, by various indices of military power (e.g. MEU, CAP, or the CMP developed on this blog), or as pertains to the narrower if arguably more relevant naval sphere, by naval megatonnage (even if the gap with China rapidly shrinks as the PLAN adds the equivalent of a major European Great Power navy every single year). 

However, there are increasing reasons to think that large parts of this superiority could be becoming illusory – a dangerous state of affairs, given the recovery of bipartisan support for US military intervention and American elites’ oft-stated confidence in their military supremacy.


  1. I'm currently reading "100 Days" written by the English task group commander as his history of the Falklands war circa 1982. I'm about half way through. While the English did prevail, they made a shitload of boneheaded mistakes that caused the sinking of the HMS Sheffield and the loss of a number (I don't know many, at this point) of ground troops.

    If the U.S. Military's average officer intelligence has declined as illustrated in this article, I'd say they're now on par with the Brits of 1982, as far as making boneheaded mistakes during any future war that will get men and equipment killed.

    Not that war, in general, doesn't get men and equipment killed, that's what war is designed to do. It's that making boneheaded decisions due to a basic lack of understanding the subject gets more people killed faster.

    The Chinese AND the Russians must be laughing their asses off at the moves the Usurper has made regarding staffing in the military in the last six weeks.

    What a shit show.


  2. In the foreseeable future, the US military is going to have it's ass handed to it....

  3. The appointment of Lloyd "Idi Amin" Austin is a blessing to us all. The only honorable military service at this point is to the state and county militias, where they exist. National Guard no longer included.

  4. looks scary for sure. i work with the future military leaders and i'm terrified. but then i remember what i know of the chinese military culture. its a paper tiger. everything is crap but they report its hunky dory, the higher echelon knows its crap but reports its hunky dory on up and so on to the top where they congratulate each other on a job well done, still knowing its crap. their soldiers are conscripts drawn from the poorest regions where the people are starving. they indoctrinate them that their city brethren are evil and not to be trusted. the high tech weapons you see are either fake or few and far between. their aircraft carrier couldn't land and launch a plane for several years until much modification was made to both. they are nearly as terrified of their own people as they are of us. that said, they do have nukes and tho many will fail a few will make it and when you're talking 100 megatons it won't much matter that they missed the target.

  5. The future of war is cyberwarfare. The old days are gone. Fruit-loop Biden demonstrated this:
    "In celebration of International Women’s Day, Beijing Biden announced from the White House that the military is working hard on developing “maternity flight suits” so that soldiers who are pregnant can more easily float down into enemy territory while at war."
    Yup. Riiiiight...

  6. Only a first-hand witness and participant of the US military’s diversity and etc. programs can speak on how those programs affect readiness and combat spirit. All readings are based on a writer’s political philosophy. None is based on interviews with soldiers, sailors, Marines or airmen. When it comes to pointy bullet time, a soldier’s philosophy is, “I don’t give a fuck about all that shit.”


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