
Friday, April 02, 2021

Fucked around and found out

SAN DIEGO (KSWB) — Police say a man managed to disarm a robber at his San Diego home Tuesday, then shot the intruder to death when the would-be thief charged him. 


  1. And yet on this one nobody stated they were dindu's.

  2. Good....
    Darwinism working as it should.
    If someone takes your gun from you, you either then do as he tells you, or flee.
    This dipshit didn't get the memo, so ended up getting what he deserved.

    Tim in AK

  3. Call 911 at your own peril. Bubba's in my AO may or may not call the local sheriff or PD. Ohio Guy

    1. But, but, the owner is not considered a suspect *at this time*.

    2. They're waiting for a call from the White House and the FBI once they decide to make this political.Hey, they missed out BIG TIME on the Boulder shooting being a friend of the Obamas, so they are looking for an other opportunity to showboat their determination to take people's rights away.

  4. I love happy endings


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