
Monday, April 26, 2021

Ohmigod, she changed my mind! I can see the light!

Madonna is speaking her mind on gun control. 

The iconic singer, 62, took to Instagram on Saturday to post a series of photos and videos advising Americans to "wake up" in response to chronic gun violence. 

"There’s a new vaccination!" Madonna captioned her first post. "It's called GUN CONTROL! Should be mandatory. It will SAVE LIVES!"


  1. [rocketride]

    "Madonna is speaking her mind on gun control.:

    'Mind' is probably overstating it.

  2. Madonna can kiss my ass! On second thought, maybe not.

  3. How about she demands that people simply stop shooting each other? Oh, and stop committing crimes in general. Surely that would work... dumbass.

  4. Die you frothy CUNT!

    Chutes Magoo

    1. A frothy cooter? Damn that just sounds nasty.

  5. I'm guessing some people think we find the thoughts of a lot lizard important.

  6. Hey Madonna shut your pie hole unless you're using it to blow your personal armed guards.

  7. "If they were outlawed then no one would feel the need to own a gun to protect themselves from those who have guns."

    Ha ha ha

  8. I'll fire up my forge. What are you going to do take my swords away too? It seems as if all of the rich and famous have never taken a history lesson.

    Sticks and stones will break your bones and your words just piss me off.

    1. Sticks and stones may break my bones,
      But hollow points expand on impact

  9. A washed up, aging has-been skank trying to be relevant.

  10. May have mentioned it here before - the murder rate in 12th Century London was 129 per 100,000.
    Sure.....blame it on firearms.....

  11. You do all know that she enjoys being spanked?

    1. Yup. Any of her body parts are on the slap table, except she insists on reserving her sole right to spank her monkey.

    2. Sure do. Also know the lower Manhattan neighborhoods she used as hunting grounds from her breeding stock years ago. And it wasn't Scottish.

      Let's just say she was prone to taking her coffee dark.

      Can't cut into mama's groove if all her her soiboys are getting popped for chimpin'.

  12. If she is looking for someone to administer her new vaccine to her then tell her to sign the paper.

  13. We already have "gun control"; It is keeping your finger off the trigger until your sights are on target (and you know what is around and in back of your target). And unless you have it disassembled for cleaning you always handle it with the mind set that it IS loaded. THE solution to the problem of "gun violence" is not another law, but better parenting to teach and disciple their children that there are somethings you do NOT do. Period. Full stop. End of story. By the way Madonna you attention whore, go fuck yourself

  14. I have never considered myself to be all that great looking. I didn't have girls in high school avoiding me, so I guess I was not scary looking. But I am almost 61, while she is 62. And I look closer to 40, while she looks like she is late to the funeral home for her embalming.
    Perhaps she should look at doing horror movies, the savings on makeup alone would be incentive for directors to hire her.
    Oh, and I wonder if she wants to blow up the White House now? Because she should still be in prison for her threat the first time.

  15. Not trying to start an argument, but relatively to other popular females, she seems a tad bit smarter, though not much. Again, keep in mind the use of "relatively". And, I certainly never though much of her work or of her, for that matter.

  16. Very impressive persuasion effort going on there, NOT. But what is this entertainer encouraging us to do? Madonna was quite skillful at selling back in her prime. This video sickens me, because (try as I might) I just can't find the carrot in her pitch. She looks awful, sounds terrible and shows us the correct way to deface property, presumably PUBLIC property, so there is not one victim, but many.

    Keep me safe?

    Is she asking us to request *words on paper* written by people like her that will keep me, you, ours and yours free from crimes against personal property? While demonstrating how to commit crimes against all?

    WOW! We should all pray for her eternal soul. Hail Mary, full of grace.

  17. "Iconic"?
    I think the word they were struggling to find was "shriveled."
    The title should have been "Desperately Trying To Be Relevant".

    In Britistan, where she resides most of late with her current shack-up, and where violent crime has skyrocketed since exactly that sort of gun control was enacted, hopefully some chav thugs can "vaccinate" her to prove how pointless is her point.


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