
Thursday, April 08, 2021

Your Feel-Good Video of the Day

No matter how repressively left-wing their posturing, major corporations will continue to be targeted by moonbats like Kevin Clarke, who unsuccessfully attempted to climb up the side of a Chase bank in Manhattan during a protest on Friday. 

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  1. I hope that sidewalk makes a quick and complete recovery.

  2. A.) With months and month of rehab he may be able to walk normally later, but if his pelvis was shattered walking normally again could be big maybe.

    B.) Don't be surprised to learn he's hired an ambulance chaser and intends to sue for pain and suffering as well as deprivation of his 1st amendment rights due to the inadequacy of building design.

    1. I broke my pelvis and a couple of bones in my back in a car accident in 1980. I walked out of the hospital 5 days later, but it hurt like hell. A lot depend on where you actually break your pelvis.
      Of course, now at age 60, while the pelvis is no problem, the arthritis in my back has me pretty well in constant pain, but I can at least walk without help. Many people are in much worse shape than I am, so I am grateful for that. And for this guy, I find it hard to feel much sympathy for him, since it looks like Karma took care of him.

  3. Ok now these asshats want to call the cops, the ambulance, the governor, they deserve a “All circuits are busy please try your call later”. There is no way I would help them, cept to move away from the building. Hero’s all of them!!!

  4. Saw it a day or to ago, but laughed just as hard this time.

  5. I thought protesters were like cats. Annoying as hell and always land on their feet.

  6. The article says something about he fell thirty feet, but looking at it he only dropped about eight feet. My observation is that he has little hand strength and breaks easily.

  7. Looks like a soy based diet, doesn't help with upper body strength.

    1. No, but it develops legs that allow for a stylish fit in skinny jeans.

  8. I honestly hope the worthless piece of shit broke every rib on that side, his leg, pelvis, shoulder, and whatever else could have possibly been broken in that level of fall.

    These morons need to learn to stop acting like fucking primates.

  9. Looks like that might have hurt a bit ! Maybe even worse than landing om the car keys ...!


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