
Friday, April 30, 2021

Your Friday Afternoon Florida Report

PALM BEACH, Fla. — A beachgoer discovered over $1.5 million worth of cocaine washed up along the Florida shoreline over the weekend. 

The cocaine was found in Palm Beach and then turned over to authorities, according to U.S. Customs and Border Patrol officials.


  1. Should read: "1.4 million worth of cocaine was then turned over to authorities"

  2. Who da fuk turns over 1.5 million dollars to the feebies?!?! Knew floridians were weird, but this is just nucking futs! I'm sure they got a nice little plaque and an elbow bump with their commendation. $1,500,000!!! SMH

    1. Who? Somebody who comes across $5.0 million worth of product, on the beach.

  3. The person involved obviously did not have the last name of BIDEN.

  4. The reporter obviously didn't know about the other beachgoers and the other 5 million in cocaine that washed up a little further down the beach.

  5. I would not have turned it in and I would not have kept it. I would have walked right on past that shit and grabbed a bloody mary at the nearest tiki bar.

  6. OK, everybody who says the finder was stupid for turning in the cocaine, what would you have done with it? How much cocaine is $1.4 million? You all know dealers you could sell to, or would you set up a sidewalk sale, aka lemonade stand?

    1. Drugs sell themselves. Like Chris Rock said, "Nobody has ever said 'Damn, what am I going to do with all this crack?'"
      I haven't used hard drugs since 1987 or cocaine since 1982, but I bet I could find a buyer within 24 hours. I damned sure wouldn't sell it in the same area of the country I found it in, though.

  7. When he found it, it was 2 mil worth of coke...


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