
Monday, May 17, 2021

Gas hits highest price in 6 years despite attacked pipeline restart

Fuel outages persist in parts of the Southeast on Monday -- and the national gas price average remains at its highest level in six years -- even as the Colonial Pipeline has resumed operations following a ransomware attack. 


  1. After the 4 month gas drought back in 1973-74 the price went from 33 cents a gallon to 65 cents a gallon. That's double. So don't be shocked if we see $5 a gallon by the end of the year.

    1. I had just started driving when that happened. I was not a happy kid. When I started working, a gallon of gas was just about 40% of my hourly income. Now it’s 10% and hurts more.....go figure

  2. Amazing how the gas price just shot up at the moment that some commie libturd got elected to the oral office.

    1. The moment some commie libturdS get into office, stop construction of an oil pipeline and put a stop to all future resource extraction on federal lands. But according to Chuck Schumer "we can't drill our way out of" higher fuel prices.

      In the immortal words of Harry Reid, "Coal makes us sick. Oil makes us sick".

      Lord, how I despise these lying commie libturd bastardS.

    2. No no no! You have it all wrong. Prices are just a reflection of the rising demand for summer travel, the switch to the more costly summer blend, and the normal refinery shut downs for preventive maintenance....
      Ha! I'm just bullshittin ya! It really is cause of the current fuktard in charge.

  3. Just filled up the Prius; it was at about 1/2 but I try to keep it at least 3/4. It took a little less than 5 gallons and I paid $3.85 a gal. Sure glad I don't drive one of those King-size 4x4's! We're always screwed on gas prices here in Socal.


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