
Wednesday, May 12, 2021

More Videos of Magnets Sticking to Vaccinated

A very close friend has been able to verify this is legitimate. He has tested the magnets on a few people at his place of work. The magnets do indeed stick and he said the newer the vaccine the easier it is for the magnet to stick. 

Make of it what you will. But this is real, Folks.
VIDEO HERE (4:43 minutes)


And thought it was just your magnetic personality.....


  1. I got the Pfizer vax in February and just checked both injection sites with my shop magnet. I got nothing. I also have had zero side effects. If anything I'm feeling better with asthma and allergies than I normally do this time of year but I suspect the recent record low temps (global warming my ass) dialed the pollen count way back. If I start growing an arm out of my forehead or some shit I'll you and your readers know.

  2. Which vaccine?? First shot or second shot? Might as well start making notes.

  3. I wouldn't touch it with a 10 ft pole. One of the Moderna officials likened their concoction to an "operating system" and a former Pfizer VP said he thought their jab was for "population control". So this magnet sticking to the injection site is no surprise...wait about 5-6 months when the real fun begins. Might start watching "Fear the Walking Dead" for survival clues.

  4. I never tried it; heard about it too late. However, I carry my Covid card in my shirt pocket, so that I can extract it, put it in my left hand and hold it out, while I raise my right arm to 45 degrees, und zay, "Hier ist mein papier, Herr/Frau Oberst!"

  5. Not so sure chips have been miniaturized to the level to squeeze through a thin needle, if you look at what’s in the movies which is usually shown to be beyond current practices, it’s the size of a grain of rice or larger. Plus, if they were chipping through a very thin needle the surface area of the chip would be hard pressed to hold the size of magnets in these videos. Plus you’d think it’s composition would be ceramic or nano graphite thus hard to detect. But I do like it that people are suspicious of “the jab”, and those behind this whole snafu.

  6. Blood has iron in it, Iron is ferrous hence magnetic. Some way more than others. Blood pools at any trauma site, very explainable. That being said, no Fing way they are going to stick me.

    1. Sooner or later, comrade citizen, it will be a simple choice: get the shot, or get shot.
      - Your Friendly Neighborhood Zampolit

  7. yoo-toob link already censored... also, there are 4 different vaccines out there. is the magnetic claim for all of them?

  8. First let me say that I'll never get the jab, or participate in their fraud. I saw this on Jim Stone days ago

    There are plenty of magic tricks in which things stick, or don't stick, using wax, glue, magnetism, electricity, hooks, etc. Have you ever hung spoons on your face?

    Here's a Russian guy doing it (I skipped in 4 min to save you the pain of waiting). I know I've done at least a half dozen.

    Smooth metal sticks to skin, the smoother the metal and the oilier the skin the better. And the slightest angle gives an advantage to the stuck object. But forget about sticking magnets to arms.

    IF the vaccine is made of ferrofluid (or "nanobots") then EVERY vial of vaccine should be WILDLY magnetic because the liquid isn't diffused under skin and fat.

    I tested a bottle of injectable B-12 with a super magnet. There's no attraction. The top cap is made of aluminum and rubber, like Covid vaxx bottles.

    So until we see people sticking magnets to full vaccine bottles, this is BS.

    1. sticking magnets to vaccine bottles you say... well, i'd give it a try * IF * i had access to that. Hopefully there will be a healthcare worker enterprising enough to give that a whirl. Even then, i'd guess someone out there will say it's fake news...


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