
Tuesday, May 25, 2021

The picture Facebook wouldn't let me post

I tried over and over to post this, but every time it uploaded, I got a notice saying they weren't going to publish it 'because it spreads information that could cause people to not get vaccinated."
I kept trying and trying and finally it let me post it, but with another notice saying nobody else could see it but me. Well, what the fuck is the sense of posting it if only I can see it? Do they think I'm going to go back and admire my own handiwork or what?
I immediately sent it off to Vikki, a like minded FB friend who posted it and got suspended for 24 hours.


  1. See if printing in PDF format will post. No farcebook in years.

  2. I saved this because you just never know who is looking at your account.

  3. The truth shall set you free. And keep your ass off the slab.

    1. That was my question. Is there anything in that meme that isn't true?
      Another question: Isn't Moderna the one that Bill Gates is heavily invested in?

    2. Directly on indirectly, he probably has a finger in all the pies.

    3. Elmo, yes there is a part which is dubious at best. Being named as a defendant should not incriminate. Yet the same is used here to tarnish J&J. Too, people love to sue deep pockets and J&J certainly has deep pockets. So, should we consider those hundreds of thousand of suits mostly by unstable plaintiffs as cause to diminish the brand?

      If an attack should be made on a company, it should be a frontal attack, not one of insinuation.

    4. You must have stock in J&J. They have, in fact, been tried and convicted of selling asbestos contaminated talcum powders. You can't get more frontal than that.

  4. The Truth? You can't handle the truth! Nemo

  5. i posted it to fb probably get another time out lol

  6. “In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.” G. Orwell

  7. I don't do facebook but I sent it to a few friends who do and one didn't have any trouble posting it.....yet.....haven't heard from the others....

  8. Funny. This was exactly the topic of yesterday’s Project Veritas expose.

    FB has quietly declared war on any information that might encourage “Vaccination Hesitancy”.
    Truth is no defense.

  9. I'll give it a go...😎

  10. Thanks for sharing. Some of us still like to consider both sides of an issue before making a decision. I wonder what other health-related decisions are already made for us..

    As for going back to FB to admire your work... YOU should be doing this daily. I haven't been in FB in 1.5 years, but I remember your stuff was always the best!

  11. Here are a couple of things to try:

    Use the snipping tool to create a new picture. This strippes all of the metadata from the file.

    Use MS Paint to cover up one letter of each keyword they might look for E.g.: vaccine, Moderna, COVID etc. The AI won't recognize the word.

    Jeremy P.

    1. It’s little assholes like you that keep fucking up their shit.

      Well done, keep it up!

  12. I posted it, we'll see what happens.

  13. Its basically impossible to fact check this too, even using non-google search engines to search on any of these companies just nets you the covid vax is safe crap.

  14. Johnson & Johnson was also the maker of the vaccine that caused the 1918-1920 pandemic. Hint, it was not the "Spanish Influenza", it was a vaccine and enforced masks

  15. I'd post it, but Zuck's minions disabled my account pending a "review" for something I posted in August of last year.

  16. The fact that none of them can be held liable for their product, should tell you exactly what you need to know.
    Backed up by the fact that it's all paid for by the feral gummint, which has no money of their own, instead are paying for it by borrowing credits from chinklandistan, you know, that place where Wuhan is and the place where it originated. So you and your kids grandkids will pay for it with increased taxes. Yup, you knew it, you and I get the shaft yet again. And we are to fukin stupid to figure this out... Here's your sigh!

  17. Yeah, I won't get betting vaccinated until at least two of them have completed their clinical trials and been approved by the standard method. If that means I have to continue wearing a mask into banks (its still a fucking thrill even after a year), I can deal with that. What I can't deal with is my next-of-kin having no redress if it does kill me.

  18. You're calling us idiots if we don't get the vaccine? Seriously?
    If you got the vaccine that was pushed through without all the tests and trials, you're the fucking idiot.

  19. One trick that I learned during the saga of the White House leaker whose name and/or image was absolutely Forbidden...
    Pull up the meme, enlarge to fill the monitor...
    And take a picture.
    The FB software can't recognize the picture...

    MSG Grumpy

  20. Kenny - try posting this :

    I'm not a vaccine skeptic. I'm INFORMED. Very informed. If the sheeple want to take unproven, GMO laced proprietary products from drug companies with long histories of fraud & customer injuries coupled with promoters of such products like Fauci with strong financial investments in vaccines and who have lied repeatedly, that's their choice. Fewer sheeple is no loss.

    I'll tell you this for free: vaccine based ADE is the issue here. The data and bodies are starting to pile up. Don't even think of taking the non-vaccine. By the end of this year it will be obvious why.

  21. Put a border around it and try again.

  22. Technically, he's a test subject and those of us who haven't had the jab are the control group.

  23. I got 30 day jail sentence for posting it on Facistbook...but then again, Im a repeat offender.

  24. I got 30 day jail sentence for posting it on Facistbook...but then again, Im a repeat offender.

  25. I got 30 day jail sentence for posting it on Facistbook...but then again, Im a repeat offender.

  26. I got 30 day jail sentence for posting it on Facistbook...but then again, Im a repeat offender.

  27. I got 30 day jail sentence for posting it on Facistbook...but then again, Im a repeat offender.

    1. How many times are you going to repeat that? I'm starting to take offense.


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