
Monday, May 17, 2021

Walmart had a mask mandate?

(Gray News) - Walmart will no longer require customers or employees who are fully vaccinated to wear masks, the company announced Friday.


I mean, there was a sign on the window of our Walmart here saying masks were required and there was a hottie at the door handing them out, but nobody ever denied me entry for not wearing one.


  1. Hey Kenny;

    Down here in Georgia, the Governor ain't pushing the mask mandates, and I have walked into Walmart and smiled at them handed them out and said "No Thank you" and kept going and nothing was said to me. I do the same at Sam's club.

  2. No hotties for us, but either bored or grouchy middle aged ladies (MAL).

    MAL: Welcome to Wally World, Weet! Want a mask?
    Weetabix: Yes! Thanks!
    Weetabix stuffs it in pocket and shops maskless.

    No one ever gave me a hard time, and often they didn't even offer me a mask.

  3. I never wore a mask to our Walmart either and never will. No one ever said anything (except positive comments) and no one ever offered me a mask.

  4. Oklahoma City they were. that, and "You can only come in and go out one door for Public Safety" is why I haven't been back in quite a while.

  5. I've had a couple of Karens ask me where mine is.

    One time, at band camp, er, Lowe's, someone said "You need a mask" and I said "I need underwear too". They RAN.

  6. How are they going to know if I am vaccinated or not? They don't and no one really cares that much to ask or make a big scene anyway.

    Besides. IF the employees and other customers ARE vaccinated they should be immune and it is a moot point on whether others are or are not vaccinated

    Is this show over with yet??. Can we change the channel?? I'm so tired of it.

  7. now no mask for fully vaccinated...... and a "don't ask don't tell" poilicy. a small bit of freedom returns.

  8. All I ever did was walk past the poor sap handing out muzzles and gave them a filthy look, and they didn't even try to speak to me.

  9. a hottie? all we had was some retard fat belly have a sleep.


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