
Tuesday, June 15, 2021

Doesn't even rate a second glance in Walmart



  1. She like mama. Big girls run in the fambly. She got a bad knee so has to be on disability. She gonna lose a leg to sugar just like mama too. Kaint work but can climb on top of that lil cart. Piece a shit all the way around.

    1. Does our language have an equivalent of "You racist!" for the morbidly-obese?
      Something along the lines of "You people are fatist!" while sobbing and finishing-off the pre-snack box of donuts.
      Then, after snacks, starting-in on the post-snacks pizzas.

    2. I don't know about that, but lately when I've been in the Walmart since they dropped the mask restrictions I do "baaa baaa" around all the sheep still wearing them.

  2. By the look on the cashiers face I would wager she got a “whiff” of something open and didn’t find the odor too agreeable.

  3. Those tires must be blue tungsten steel.

  4. Gobmint bought mamma her's, got her a nice van to drive it around in too. Gobmint also pays sissy to take care of momma. Sissy gonna find her a nice man that has his own disability so she can get a bigger gobmint check. Gonna have them some little ones so they can get even more from the gobmint.

  5. They just gave up on walkin', that's all.

  6. Walmart the new Ringling Bros

  7. Uh-huh. You need to get a refund on your medical degree because it ain't working anymore.
    Not all disabilities are visible. Some folks have bad backs (like my wife who uses one of those scooters in Walmart), some have heart conditions, some have circulation issues, some have breathing problems.
    Even some of those 'fat fucks' are fat due to some medications they take and not what they eat or the amounts - like my wife. I weigh 180 pounds and I eat a hell of a lot more than my wife, yet she's the one with a weight problem.

  8. For some people it is a mobility scooter , for this woman however the term "Slob Sled "could apply If you are injured , that's one thing ,but , if you are a lazy blob of protoplasim it is another

  9. And when she fals Walmart gets sued. Expect another "No riding double on the mobility scooter sign" that makes you wonder who was so stupid.


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