
Tuesday, June 29, 2021

Is Ole’ Joe’s Increasing Bumbling A Sure Sign Of Kamala’s Coming Ascendancy?

Is this why soon-to-come President By Attrition Kamala Harris can’t stop constantly giggling? 

From the get-go—meaning from the first moment Fox News appointed Biden ‘President-Elect’ while folk were still out voting on Election Night—Ole’ Joe came stumbling out of the stable as a bumbling idiot.

Way back when he tripped over his own dog when emerging from the shower, breaking his foot. He didn’t seem to remember what day it was, or who was his wife. He went tripping up the stairs of Air Force One, and warned reporters he had to stick to the script his handlers gave him when answering questions other than what his favorite ice cream is.


  1. Harris will also be bypassed or else a 100% puppet controlled by (who). Guess the puppet thing is a given since she is even dumber than AOC.
    My prediction is Harris doesn't last long at all and we will end up with the drunken slut who won't even get a reline on her dentures to keep them from falling out of her mouth - Nana pelosi.

    1. I agree. Harris won't last any longer than it takes for the dems to select a new VP. Once that's done, harris will quickly resign and let the one they really want in there. Then things will get interesting in a hurry. But it won't be peolsi.

    2. Ooorrr, door number three, Hillary Clinton! Might as well keep the circus in town.

    3. Bob: That's exactly what's going to happen. Pelosi has been quiet, VERY quiet.

      PedoJoe will be taken out using the 25th Amendment, making way for Kammie. However, she does not meet the requirements re birth to become President. So, who's next in line? PELOSI. Pelosi will continue her overlord Soros' plan on the path to the GreatReset and the US will become fully commie. Only Jesus can help us at this point.

      Hope to meet you all in the nearest FEMA camp. "Yinzer"

    4. Do you really think they give a rat's ass about silly Constitutional requirements for the Presidency? They allowed and pushed Obama to run and he was not eligible either. The leftist only follow the Constitution when it servers there agenda, otherwise it is a racist piece of paper to them.

  2. About 50 years in governmen, zero accomplishments except a plagarized speech-----------Always been my belief someone is pulling the strings.

    1. You must be kidding. A potato sprouting in the back of a dark cupboard can see that. The toad doesn't have the intellectual wherewithal of a candy bar. Ethically, he offers no resistance to being pushed and pulled into any position desired by wicked people.

      Okay, try this. You are the puppet master.
      Take one who has been in the Senate for half a decade, has done nothing good of consequence, is universally despised in Congress, has been long into the sunset of his years with dementia raging unfettered. Was selected by the handlers of the magic negro as a fail safe, that if the Kenyan came to his end (by a myriad of ways all which were undeniably deserved), the string pullers would remain unaffected and still in charge because the bumbling bungling pedo is easy to control.

      Add one who has repeatedly shown that she has no scruples about doing whatever another asks of her. Has long shown her duplicity in withholding key evidence in the courts and her culpability in arranging smears and attacks on private persons simply because they opposed her politically, she used them for political advantage, or she schemed to take their assets while appearing lawful. She also doesn't have the smarts God gave a moth intent to dive into a bug zapper. She has been led by others her entire career. She has shown a propensity for achieving office by favor.

      Being able to blackmail these two intellectual and ethical midgets would be nice but is unnecessary. Both of these miscreants have long shown the ease with which they can be manipulated even deeply into those actions and behaviors which are so reprehensible they would shock even the person who has only a very marginal ethical bent.

    2. Well said, Rick. If they pull Hitlery out of the box, personally I think it will be the shot heard round the world.

    3. In that case, I hope they do resurrect Corrupt Clinton the she-beast. Then we can finally get this party started. I have had it up to here with everyone saying if this or that happens then it's on. I have a long list to work through.

  3. Kamala will get the slot just as soon as Joe gets through signing all the truly onerous EO's so she doesn't get the blame for the shitstorm.

  4. Kamalatoe ain't no better. She got to where she is by dropping to her knees for Willie Brown. She giggles like a school girl on pot. Obama, Susan Rice and Obama's string puller Valerie Jarrett are and will still be calling the shots.

  5. The other theory is that Heels-Up is giggling out of sheer terror - she can see that PedoJoe isn't up to the job, and she KNOWS she isn't, and is scared shitless that she might actually be required to take on the responsibility. (That, and the fact that she's got the intellectual maturity of a 17-year-old...(

  6. Repugs should vote HELL NO on removal. Make the donks live with his mental midgetness for the duration.
    As for swallow, make her a special envoy for negotiations with Iran and see if she blows it.

    1. I see what you did there…

    2. Why would the Republicans ever vote against their masters' wishes?

  7. Maybe we should change her title from Auxiliary Incompetent to Incompetent Fool In Waiting.

  8. Harris takes the job and appoints Killary Clinton Sec of State. Mr Clinton visits White house. Harris after unsuccessful double knee surgery Has to resign. Pelosi to get the nod. But after ice cream brain freeze she passes on to hell. Hillary is next in line. Hunter is found.

  9. I still think President Harris will take the oath of office by the 4th, just for all the free imagery during the festivities. Or she’ll get the oath right as the Maricopa results are released.

  10. Not long ago, I posted a scenario suggesting the puppet masters will try to keep Slo Mo Joe on tap for two years, thus allowing Khlamydia Harris to preside for ten years. The ONLY qualification to sit on the throne is complete and total fealty to the controllers.

  11. Well once ol comrade sleepy jo bite the big one we'll go from the shitter straight to the sewer. Jeez, what a way to kick off a perfectly good revolution. Whats she gonna do, cackle all through the swearing in ceremony. Comrade jo is as illegitimate as they get, spread eagle as chief ho even more so, if you can imagine that.

  12. All ya'll must be blind as bats or maybe you are just one big load of sheeple who believe whatever the MSM tells you.
    Go look at some real pictures of Biden, Pelosi, Hillary, obama back in the 2018 and 2019 years and then compare those pictures with the people who are "playing" those parts. The ones above are all body doubles now, "kinda".

    "Congress" really doesn't pass any laws, they don't have enough people to form a quorum. I know if you can't tell the real Biden from the Biden you see know, you probably have no idea what a quorum is. And I'll give you a hint, it ain't part of a pig's carcass.

    Everything you see and hear about this "government" doing is BS. A stage play.


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