
Wednesday, June 30, 2021

I've reached a new high on Facebook

After so many suspensions that I've lost track, Facebook finally decided to quit fucking around and terminated my account this morning.
Motherfuckers have no sense of humor at all.

Hell, the only reason I stayed on so long was for material for my 'The shit I post on Facebook' feature I do every day at 2 PM. I've got something like 3000 memes saved up, so I've got enough to keep going for a few months before I open up another account under a different first name.

Oh yeah - the offending post:


  1. Congrats. Ken. You've finally reached the Trump plateau.

  2. I just checked and yep you are gone from my "friends" list like you never even existed. Let me know when you get back on and I'll send a new request.


  3. My heart soars like an F-15 eagle. Ohio Guy

    1. [rocketride]

      Mine soars like an A-10.

  4. Welcome to my world. I dumped farcebook years ago.

  5. the king is dead...long live the king. and hooray for warthogs

  6. Lol. For facebook, truth is not their highest quality. But that photo and caption IS funny and truthful at the same time.


  7. Rock on. I look forward to those posts for my daily chuckle.

  8. That the Assbook employees who comb through people's accounts looking for things to censor, and reasons to ban them altogether, are little fascist motherfuckers, goes without saying.
    But as for a visual, I have always pictured them as a bunch of younger people with weird multi colored hairdos, who have no idea if they are a boy or girl, and who, when combing through people's accounts, get the vapors and fan themselves, and who routinely get so over stressed that they have to take breaks and go to a "cry room" for screaming and crying therapy before getting back to looking through accounts, seeking reasons to ban yet another patriotic American for some stoopid "offense"....

    Tim in AK

    1. I've seen pictures of them. That is exactly what they are.

    2. I posted that same meme a few months ago and FB hasn't said anything about it. It doesn't mean they won't censor it in a couple of years like the often do.

    3. SteveP, I think mine was a cumulative deal, that was just the straw the broke the camel's back.

  9. I'm one of those folks who were temporarily banned from posting comments in groups prior to Joe's inauguration. My ability to create groups has been indefinitely suspended. I've comments deleted simply because they went against the narrative and were backed up with facts.

  10. Just found out .. tried to tag you in a how to stop a baby from crying video (cheese slice). Anyhoo, youtube it, f-iong hilarious.


  11. Welcome to the 'banned for life' club!

    Took you long enough!

  12. So Proud of you my friend.. I've been trying for the permanent ban myself.. It's hard to accomplish.

  13. OK, under which name can I find your new account?
    Maybe we should collect a few variations of your name and then you open about 20 new accounts and can switch from one to the next without interruption.
    Alex Lund

    1. I'll post the link to my new account when I open it after my meme stash starts to run low.

    2. I quit FB about 8 years ago. Glad you post it here too. How about Oliver Closoff or Hugh Jass?

  14. I killed my fascistbook account last year. Only had it to get pics of the grandkids..... that were never posted. Keep posting your memes here. Those who count will see them.

  15. I am hoping you will post something here to let us know what new name to look for to send a new friend request! You are the bright funny light in a dark serious world!

  16. I posted that exact pic and didn't get banned. I cannot post any pictures of Joseph Stalin, Adolph Hitler or any other despot without getting slapped with 30 days off. I also cannot post anything anti covid vaccine or with Bill Gate's picture or Fauci's without getting 30 days off. I've been banned so many times I actually had a newspaper article written about it.

  17. I too have had my FB account deactivated this week due to 15 bannings and whats funny is the sun seems brighter, birds sing louder, the wife bitches less........ Life is good!

  18. Let Vikki and I know your new account.

  19. Ironic the U.S. Airforce tried hard to kill the Warthog program.

  20. Consider moving over to MeWe as so many others who have been made "unpersons" over at Farcebook.

  21. Well Wirecutter, looks like you "triggered" the idiots at Fbook and they've retreated to their "safe spaces". Good job!

  22. for some reason today they restored a 2nd post and my access to post. i had been on a 30 day suspension since sunday (fourth in ~100 days). we will see how long i last...

  23. Great job and I'm delighted you have a surplus of memes. This category of your blog has been saving what's left of my sanity. Thank you brother.

  24. Way to go Ken!!! Keep screwing with'em. It's the only thing they understand. Nemo

  25. My personal best is CBC News, ABC New, MSN News, CNN and four others on the same day.

  26. Outstanding!!!!!!!!!!!

  27. Trump only got a two year suspension.... Not the PermaBan.
    The FaecesBook Nazis gave me the ban hammer back in January.
    You aren't a true patriot if you aren't being hammered by the
    FarceBook police.

  28. I loved that pic so much I sent it to my dad when you posted it. He loved it too

  29. Wait, that's it??? After everything else you've posted, that's the Muslim that broke the camel's back? Fuck Zuckerberg...

  30. I quit fakebook a year ago. No regrets

  31. Wirecutter, congrats on the permeant ban! I thought that meme was pretty tame.

  32. They HATE the truth I got a 30 day timeout for a post critical of the Fauci ouchie ! nothing hateful , just truthful .

  33. Phil Meoff works too. I made a name tag when I worked night shift at a grocery store stocking shelves that had it on it.It was great until we had a big ol'girl from day shift that was filling in at the cash register. She read it out loud and I forgot I had that one on. It was awkward for a moment until I realized it.

  34. Congratulations, So now do "shit I would post on Facebook is I hadn't been terminated"

  35. Wait a minute. What's fucked up about bombing terrorists? That's what we're SUPPOSED to be doing. Or is it unseemly to joke about what we've been doing for 20 years? I'm confused. Which is normal.

  36. Funny I posted that same meme but mine had (Jaws Theme playing) and I didn't get anything at all.

  37. Hey Kenny;

    That it?!!?? That shit is tame compared to some of the stuff that you have posted in the past.....You got robbed....

  38. I have been banned forever from Facebook, and all I did was post an anti Fauxci meme.


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