
Friday, June 11, 2021

Kinda funny, coming from the Free Healthcare crowd

When it comes to looting the American population, Democrats have no more mercy than a Black Lives Matter mob inflicting racial justice at the local Target. Not even the most vulnerable are safe. Pelosi et al. hope to impose a 95% tax on the most common prescription medicines. 

Insatiably greedy Democrats have been in a tax-raising frenzy:


  1. Motherfuckers are really keen on sparking an across the board revolution, aren't they? Aw shit, I said that word. I guess I'm fucked now, ain't I? Fuckin' cocksuckers want an excuse to bring back Barry's drone program...

    1. Is it really that? Or is it that we are so close to going over Weimar falls that they really are reaching for any and every single thing they can get their hands on? Pop quiz, what’s best held when $ crashes. Bert

    2. Bert
      For us, the 'best held' is durable tangible goods in my possession.
      Investing in durable tangible goods means I get rid of Federal Reserve Notes... quick!
      In my possession means not held in a warehouse or vault on somebody else's property.
      FRNs means that paper fake stuff.
      'Weimar falls' -- instantly stolen for my rants, diatribes, and other profoundly unsuccessful attempts to get everybody 'on-board'.

    3. Wouldn’t it be spelled Weimar Falls, with a capital F? I’m not in the grammar SS, and I’m not even sure if it’s supposed to be a capital or not.

    4. Bert. Ammo. Ammo can get you everything else you need.

    5. You can't eat gold. You can eat lead. If they have no food you will go hungry, no water and you got about 3 - 6 days.

  2. Looks like the commies at AARP who are supposed to care about old Farts support HR-3

    1. Would not be the first thing they supported that was detrimental to it's members. Same with the Chamber of Commerce, the NRA, etc.

    2. AARP doesn't give two shits about their old fart members. They are a wholly owned division of the Democrat party and the Donk party tells them what to do, not their members.

  3. I guess Big Pharma isn't paying their Danegeld....

    1. It's not about that; it's about reducing headcount. Gotta get rid of those oldsters on pensions, and anyone who might over-burden Medicare, etc. going forward.


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