
Tuesday, June 29, 2021

SoCal gas prices spike to levels not seen since 2014 as state’s gas tax is set to rise next week

The cost of gasoline in Southern California has climbed to its highest level in years about a week before an automatic increase in the state’s gas tax goes into effect. 

Pump prices are up across the Southland, with Los Angeles-area drivers paying the most on average to fill up their tanks, about $4.27 for a gallon of a regular unleaded as of Thursday morning. That’s slightly higher than the statewide average of $4.25 and other Southern California counties, according to AAA’s latest weekly report.


  1. They deserve it.

  2. Suk it socal! You guys voted for the shit, now what? Gonna vote a tranny in to try to save yer asses? Sophie's choice ain't it! Only way out I see is to take each other out until no one is left then have another land rush from the normal states to start fresh again. Just leave yer doors unlocked so we don't have to break in.

  3. Just a glimpse of your future: Holland reached 2 euros per liter today, or US$9 per gallon.

    1. Oil is $73-$74 a barrel if you're in Holland or the US, that Holland price ($9/gal) includes a lot of tax. ($3.63-$4 in Belfair WA today)
      But I guess you have to pay for health care somehow...

  4. Where I live in Alaska, gas has risen in price by $1.15 per gallon since election day, and doesn't appear to be slowing its climb.
    This must be how "lunch bucket Joe" is helping the working middle class......

    Tim in AK

  5. Who was president in 2014? Barack Hussein Obammy. Gas, food and everything else is high. Wait until ALL the tax hikes are in place that they will need to pay for all their spending.

  6. I noticed gas to $2.83 today.

  7. Out here in Riverside county the cheapest is $3.75 for cash, .35 extra fee to use a debit card. Good thing I can still fill up my Prius for under $38.

    1. I paid 38 bucks today to top off my tank that was half full. That was between Lafayette and Westmoreland, and I think it was at $2.91 a gallon there.

  8. This past Sunday as I drove from the Bay Area to Utah I stopped for fuel in Applegate in the Sierras along Hwy 80. Premium unleaded was going for $4.69/gallon. Fuck me? No Fuck Biden.

    1. Applegate's always been expensive, though. Hell, that whole route is between Hangtown and Boomtown.

  9. $3.05 today. And new gas tax comes in on Thursday.

    Remember, at $5 gallon it's moral to siphon from any vehicle that still has a Biden/Harris sticker.

    1. That is most certainly NOT ok bud! Not one bit!
      Those vehicles need a hole drilled in the bottom of the tank, catch it in a suitable container and filter before use. Leave em in a proper place. 🏴‍☠️Bert

    2. Better option is make hole in tank large enough to fit a shattered brake bulb into then wait for the fireworks with phone in hand for awesome video.

  10. $3.58 on the Oregon Coast,up from $2.25 the day before the election.


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