
Friday, June 25, 2021

Spooks and Cowboys, Gooks and Grunts Parts 1 and 2

 Documentary explores Operation Phoenix in the Vietnam War.

PART I  (23:51 minutes)

PART II  (24:08 minutes)


  1. Happy liberal horseshit. It was war, not an ice cream social. It's really easy to get squeamish 50 years on and deplore what happens in war, like we're better than that now. It wasn't true then, and it isn't true now.

    When you let spooks run things, bad things are going to happen. That was the idea.

    1. I'm thinking of Jawn Kerry sitting there in fatigues, lying his ass off about his comrades-in-arms.

  2. " the manner of Jenjis Kahn...."

    That lying bastard has been wrong about every single issue he's taken a stand on. I wouldn't cross the street to piss on his grave.

  3. The Vietnam war was the beginning of my eyes being opened to the fact that our government would actually lie to the American people. We now know that we had no business being there. When American was involved in our own civil war, how would we have liked it if Japan, the U.K., France, or some other nation, had come over, and fought on the union or the confederate side? We would have been pretty pissed off. It was the same thing for the Vietnamese. The south was weaker with a very piss poor leader, but it was their nation and their war, but we chose to involve ourselves over their, not for the good of their nation, but for our own interests. If you watch both of the videos, you will have your eyes opened at what we did to the people of both the North and South Vietnam people.
    Somehow, it seems like some people find it acceptable to kill over 300,000 Vietnamese people, for basically no reason than to show the Communist nations of China and the USSR that we were no afraid to fight communism and lose some 38,000 of our own soldiers doing it. Dropping more ordnance on the country than we dropped during the entire WWII era. No, the war in Vietnam was not our finest moment, and the killing that was done, in the case of project Phoenix, was not heroic at all, but immoral and indecent, and didn't line up with the values that America was founded upon. To paraphrase Santayana, those who fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it.

  4. I remember sitting on a bunker of our rear area. After weeks in the bush we would go to rear and have to pull guard on an assigned company bunker. No rest for the wicked eh? We'd be sitting there smoking a joint and someone would say, "Well, ya gotta remember why were here." Silence mon. Total silence.


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